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@  ILLA 2.0 : (03 May 2024 - 06:05 AM)

What the word long time

@  PO3 BarberDR : (15 April 2024 - 05:20 AM)

Hope everyone is good!

@  Mrjob : (15 April 2024 - 05:12 AM)

How we do that? Can't even upload vids?

@  bigdickzeke18 : (15 April 2024 - 02:12 AM)

Thanks hostmaster

@  Larrytaylor6462 : (05 April 2024 - 03:14 AM)


@  CWO3 pac33238 : (04 April 2024 - 11:33 PM)


@  hostmaster : (20 March 2024 - 09:15 AM)

@bigdickzeke18 https://support.ccbill.com/member.cgi

@  librakidla : (19 March 2024 - 05:31 AM)


@  bigdickzeke18 : (15 March 2024 - 03:02 AM)

How do I cancel my premium sub?

@    Rear Admiral NSk8r : (06 March 2024 - 02:55 AM)

Let's get this back on track.

@    Rear Admiral NSk8r : (06 March 2024 - 01:34 AM)

Hope Everyone is well

@  Battle0fny : (23 February 2024 - 05:56 PM)


@  pr0lifik3 : (23 February 2024 - 06:12 AM)


@  muthaman : (19 February 2024 - 07:16 PM)


@  brklynzboss : (03 February 2024 - 08:57 PM)


@  Johnmanns : (01 February 2024 - 07:09 AM)


@  scorpio1029 : (21 January 2024 - 02:15 PM)

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@  scorpio1029 : (20 January 2024 - 03:22 PM)

I have a recent update on an oldy but goodie. Check the link and PM if interested. https://homegrownfre...plicit-boricua/

@  bigdickzeke18 : (18 January 2024 - 02:52 PM)

Look at my message reply pay4xxx

@  Alvatore257 : (16 January 2024 - 05:37 AM)



Eating Ass Discussion

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63 replies to this topic

Poll: eat ass (43 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you eat ass?

  1. Hell yea! (25 votes [58.14%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 58.14%

  2. Hell Nah! (18 votes [41.86%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 41.86%

Do/Will you let your mate eat your ass?

  1. Hell Yea! (21 votes [48.84%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 48.84%

  2. Hell Nah! (22 votes [51.16%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 51.16%

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Harlem's Finest

Harlem's Finest


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    im all for eatting it. as long as its clean. ill even put honey and whipped cream on it and eat my girls ass out.

    but as others said, as far as a girl eatting mine... hell nah

    What the....




    I just LITERALLY got finished eating.....


    Remind me to break a damn chair over your head WWE style when I see you...

    Harlem's Finest

    Harlem's Finest


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    Regarding Black Wall Street, almost everywhere Black people resided prior to the Civil Rights Movement was a 'Black Wall Street'; Tulsa was not the only one, but it's most popularized because there was the first time America dropped bombs on it's own soil. But let's not forget Rosewood, FL and many other Black owned metropolises. The only mistake these Black communities made was after they built a bookstore, a church, a school, a repair shop...they should've built a GUN SHOP. We didn't rebuild because it shook us to our core and we literally 'gave up', but it can be built again.


    Regarding our jumping to the rescue of every other community instead of keeping our home fires burning, I agree with that wholeheartedly. I've NEVER heard of a Latino mention a 'brown and Black alliance', yet we're stuck on stupid and extending olive branches to those who don't give a fuck about us and wish to subjugate us in the same fashion white supremacy does. HELL, most of them identify themselves as white for fuck's sake. It's apparent in Telemundo and their handling of George Zimmerman and Erika Escalante that they are NOT allies of the Black community and their ABSENCE during the Civil Rights Movement, but because we're so fixated on interracialism and sexual access, we LIE to ourselves while they build the machinations to supplant us.


    O, I haven't forgotten about the men; the white man creates MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) as an answer to Women's Lib, and what did the Black man do? Join up as if we, as a collective, had something to 'go our own way' with. A Black man saying 'I disavow misandry by refusing to marry (where she can get alimony) or have children (where she can get child support) because of an unfair judicial system'...but when you're broke, what's half of 0? And seeing that 70-75% of our children are being born in single parent households, is that shit our BIGGEST concern? Hell no, but because the white liberal male said it's a good idea, these dumb negro sheep clamber at the chance to be seen in association with bullshit that has absolutely nothing to do with us. A bunch of shuck and jiving on both sides of the fence, not only are we a people plagued with petty differences, but we're serious about everything except being serious.


    Regarding our women and their standard of beauty, with an economy and a code of conduct that kind of nonsense wouldn't be allowed. I don't personally mind weaves and whatever else, but if they've definitively have it set in their mind that they want to emulate European women, it's to be checked and dealt with. But, again, if you or no one who looks likes you has earned her deference, she's NOT going to care what you think about anything she's doing. As Black men, we must build incentives to pursuade our women that being Black is a good thing and that can come through a myriad of ways:


    Who controls the levers that decide 'desirable features'? The European.

    Counter: Create your own media outlets that promote the African woman's beauty.


    If lady's boss says 'your afro/braids come across as 'aggressive' and they threaten to fire her if she doesn't change her do, what are/can you do about it? Most will say 'I can't do anything'.

    Counter: Either be a breadwinner or a business owner.


    There's no other race of women on this planet that doesn't defer to their men, except us.

    White women defer to white men.

    Asian women defer to Asian men.

    Jewish women defer to Jewish men.

    Black women defer to white men.

    Black men defer to white men.


    Yet we wonder why our women emulate white women?


    During the 80s and 90s, Jewish women vied to look more Anglo-Saxon and many of them ran to get nose jobs, BUT THEIR MEN SHUT IT DOWN.


    A few years ago, Jessica Alba got on TV and said that she didn't think it was important for her children to know Spanish AND HER PEOPLE GOT HER IN ASS. She gave a wholesome apology and appeared in Machete to atone.


    Azalia Banks says fuck Black men, demands Black men protect her, gets called out by Wale and she tells him to go fuck himself, that she'll let white men put her on a pedestal, and that Black men who refused to protect women like her belong in prison. She later told Sarah Palin that she hope Palin gets a train ran on her, Palin threatened litigation, and Banks started kissing Palin's ass.


    ^^ That kind of shit doesn't happen to a collective of men with power, wealth and influence.



    I'm honestly speechless after reading all that. Some of the stuff I've only heard about, other things, like the fact that we had more than one Black Wall Street, is definitely news to me. I've only heard about the one in Tulsa. See? this is why I'm trying to educate myself on REAL Black history and not this bullshit they try to teach us in schools. About a month and some change ago, i was with my 11 year old daughter and put a few black history nuggets in her head, and her eyes damn near boggled out of her head. She asked me how did I know all this stuff. I just told her that i want her to learn about our people. Just seeing that light go on in her eyes was enough for me.


    Now when it comes to where our people stand mentally in this country....I don't know a lot about it, but I heard about this slave manual from way back when that was used to keep us mentally fucked (summing it up). Everything in that manual that i heard about SOMEHOW is still not only relevant today, but it's still being USED. And you see it everywhere from Fox News to every newspaper you pick up, even to classrooms, and our music (which in my opinion is on its death bed at this point).


    I will admit, I'm VERY hard on black women. Always have been, and more than likely I always will be, because I feel they should freaking know better. And that goes for everything. I mean, yeah, as guys we do dumb shit, but...and I hate to sound sexist with this....since the beginning of time, we've ALWAYS been the ones doing the dumb shit and setting the "dumb fuck" tone. Our women have always been sort of kryptonite for us. But the more time passes, the more THEY wanna be on center stage out "dumb fucking" US (I'm covering a HUGE range of topics. I just don't feel like typing it all right now). I can't tell you how much pride I feel when I see a woman who's not wearing some dumb ass wig and whipping her hair around like some broad in a soap opera on a damn beach. Something as simple as having real hair makes me feel good about a black woman. But it doesn't stop there. And to be honest, I don't know where that point is where they're gonna say enough is enough and flat out DEMAND that the men in our community wake the fuck up, clean the fuck up, and stand the fuck up...or they're just not gonna give up anymore butt. It sounds silly, but maybe that just might be what it finally takes to get the ball rolling on fixing a few things in our community.


    And when it comes to these celebrities getting put in check by their people. Yeah, WE kinda sorta do that too. But OUR celebrities don't give two shits about how their community feels about anything. They can shit all over their own people....we'll get upset and everything...they'll flat out SAY they don't give a shit, and keep on doing what they're doing. I used to live in North Carolina a few years back. I experienced something down there I had never once seen in my life: black people cutting the legs out from other black people who were trying to get ahead. I came back to New York and brought this up to my mother (who is from the south). She said she always knew about that, and that's it's something our people ALWAYS do to each other. I didn't even know what to think. It always hurts me whenever I see it or experience it now, but it really hit home when I heard Farrakhan, of all people, bring up the same damn topic. And that's someone who has become sort of a teacher to me for a few years now. I've also been watching the Hidden Colors series. If THAT doesn't wake someone up, they're definitely resisting.


    But I really don't know how anything will get fixed with us, because we have our own issues, then there's the media raining down more shit every time they see us take even the smallest step forward. Everything has a deeper source when it comes to black people in this country. I don't even know what it's like for us anywhere else on the map, but it kind of scares me.




    • Cdr. O-5 Commander
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    I'm honestly speechless after reading all that. Some of the stuff I've only heard about, other things, like the fact that we had more than one Black Wall Street, is definitely news to me. I've only heard about the one in Tulsa. See? this is why I'm trying to educate myself on REAL Black history and not this bullshit they try to teach us in schools. About a month and some change ago, i was with my 11 year old daughter and put a few black history nuggets in her head, and her eyes damn near boggled out of her head. She asked me how did I know all this stuff. I just told her that i want her to learn about our people. Just seeing that light go on in her eyes was enough for me.


    Now when it comes to where our people stand mentally in this country....I don't know a lot about it, but I heard about this slave manual from way back when that was used to keep us mentally fucked (summing it up). Everything in that manual that i heard about SOMEHOW is still not only relevant today, but it's still being USED. And you see it everywhere from Fox News to every newspaper you pick up, even to classrooms, and our music (which in my opinion is on its death bed at this point).


    I will admit, I'm VERY hard on black women. Always have been, and more than likely I always will be, because I feel they should freaking know better. And that goes for everything. I mean, yeah, as guys we do dumb shit, but...and I hate to sound sexist with this....since the beginning of time, we've ALWAYS been the ones doing the dumb shit and setting the "dumb fuck" tone. Our women have always been sort of kryptonite for us. But the more time passes, the more THEY wanna be on center stage out "dumb fucking" US (I'm covering a HUGE range of topics. I just don't feel like typing it all right now). I can't tell you how much pride I feel when I see a woman who's not wearing some dumb ass wig and whipping her hair around like some broad in a soap opera on a damn beach. Something as simple as having real hair makes me feel good about a black woman. But it doesn't stop there. And to be honest, I don't know where that point is where they're gonna say enough is enough and flat out DEMAND that the men in our community wake the fuck up, clean the fuck up, and stand the fuck up...or they're just not gonna give up anymore butt. It sounds silly, but maybe that just might be what it finally takes to get the ball rolling on fixing a few things in our community.


    And when it comes to these celebrities getting put in check by their people. Yeah, WE kinda sorta do that too. But OUR celebrities don't give two shits about how their community feels about anything. They can shit all over their own people....we'll get upset and everything...they'll flat out SAY they don't give a shit, and keep on doing what they're doing. I used to live in North Carolina a few years back. I experienced something down there I had never once seen in my life: black people cutting the legs out from other black people who were trying to get ahead. I came back to New York and brought this up to my mother (who is from the south). She said she always knew about that, and that's it's something our people ALWAYS do to each other. I didn't even know what to think. It always hurts me whenever I see it or experience it now, but it really hit home when I heard Farrakhan, of all people, bring up the same damn topic. And that's someone who has become sort of a teacher to me for a few years now. I've also been watching the Hidden Colors series. If THAT doesn't wake someone up, they're definitely resisting.


    But I really don't know how anything will get fixed with us, because we have our own issues, then there's the media raining down more shit every time they see us take even the smallest step forward. Everything has a deeper source when it comes to black people in this country. I don't even know what it's like for us anywhere else on the map, but it kind of scares me.


    This slave manual you speak of sounds like the Willie Lynch letter (if I'm not mistaken). It has some merit, and of course we have problem within our own community, but I don't want to segway into 'Black on Black (insert you own propaganda)' because it feeds into a self-defeatist attitude that allows white supremacy off the hook. Point to a perfect people and I'll sell you a bridge in San Francisco. 


    Women, innately don't have racial allegiance; they seek the best offer. Right now, white supremacy INCENTIVIZES her to split away from you, demean you, ridicule you, denounce you, get pregnant by you and sue you for child support. They get 30 pieces of silver for that, from TV time, book deals, and movie deals to Section 8 housing, WIC, and TANF. When our collective incentives outweigh what white supremacy's willing to give them, they'll mind. 


    As far as 'simply changing a hairstyle' appeasing you, I don't mean to burst your bubble, but feminist bedwenches rock afros, twists, and braids now. Yes, those Herbal Tea sippin', Bohemian broads will send your ass up Shit's Creek without a paddle just as quickly as a blonde-haired Bunny Ruckus would, and you know why? HER LOYALTY TO YOU IS TITULAR. We have to get out of this infantilized way of thinking that our women will adapt to our wishes because 'it's the right thing to do'. These women aren't Mookie; if it don't make dollars it, it doesn't make sense. Appease you? For what? She's getting her bread buttered from white men. In the Black community, the Black male is reduced to a sperm donor; a breeding stud broodmares get pregnant by to get government assistance, because, from the looks of things, THAT'S ALL YOU CAN GET FOR HER...


    If she wants a job, who does she go to?

    If she wants assistance paying her bills, who does she seek out FIRST?

    You got Black homothugs out here who can't even change a tire, let alone fix anything around the house, so what can she get out of the majority of Black men?


    A baby.


    'Crabs in the barrel' mentality; yes, Farrakhan has spoken about that frequently, and that phenomena happens when everyone's vying for the same limited trinkets and white acceptance. It's not some personal, solely-Black deficit that's exclusive to Black people. Take a gang of Chinese people, put them in a room, deprive them of food, nourishment and any hope of getting either, they will undercut their own just to survive. Chinese people tell on themselves often in their movies; do you remember The Legend of Drunken Master (Jackie Chan, mid 1990s)? The entire movie was reprimanding themselves for selling Chinese artifacts to the British. In this movie, they acknowledged that they had traitors WITHIN and exploiters without. Yeah, they sold their own culture and heritage, but they also got in the ass of the folks who incentivized their doing so.


    If we had PWI as the Asians do, we could do the same.


    Now, you mentioned Hidden Colors series; excellent, damn good material; Tariq Nasheed is the homie and I can't wait for him to release MoorUS. If you're in the mood for a crash course, you should also check out The Black Channel's Jason Black; The Black Authority. If you're looking for something a bit more jocular but with a very serious undertone, check out the 5150 Show hosted by Corey Holcomb. 


    There's also a film you should check out, it's on Youtube; you can watch it for free. It's called Goodbye Uncle Tom; it's an Italian 'mockumentary' depicting the atrocities of slavery in black and white. Warning: This movie makes Roots, 12 Years a Slave, and Django look like Sesame Street. Watch it and message me about it, if you'd like.

    Tripp G

    Tripp G


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    What the....


    I just LITERALLY got finished eating.....

    Remind me to break a damn chair over your head WWE style when I see you...



    Harlem's Finest

    Harlem's Finest


    • PO2 E-5 2nd Class Freak
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    This slave manual you speak of sounds like the Willie Lynch letter (if I'm not mistaken). It has some merit, and of course we have problem within our own community, but I don't want to segway into 'Black on Black (insert you own propaganda)' because it feeds into a self-defeatist attitude that allows white supremacy off the hook. Point to a perfect people and I'll sell you a bridge in San Francisco. 


    Women, innately don't have racial allegiance; they seek the best offer. Right now, white supremacy INCENTIVIZES her to split away from you, demean you, ridicule you, denounce you, get pregnant by you and sue you for child support. They get 30 pieces of silver for that, from TV time, book deals, and movie deals to Section 8 housing, WIC, and TANF. When our collective incentives outweigh what white supremacy's willing to give them, they'll mind. 


    As far as 'simply changing a hairstyle' appeasing you, I don't mean to burst your bubble, but feminist bedwenches rock afros, twists, and braids now. Yes, those Herbal Tea sippin', Bohemian broads will send your ass up Shit's Creek without a paddle just as quickly as a blonde-haired Bunny Ruckus would, and you know why? HER LOYALTY TO YOU IS TITULAR. We have to get out of this infantilized way of thinking that our women will adapt to our wishes because 'it's the right thing to do'. These women aren't Mookie; if it don't make dollars it, it doesn't make sense. Appease you? For what? She's getting her bread buttered from white men. In the Black community, the Black male is reduced to a sperm donor; a breeding stud broodmares get pregnant by to get government assistance, because, from the looks of things, THAT'S ALL YOU CAN GET FOR HER...


    If she wants a job, who does she go to?

    If she wants assistance paying her bills, who does she seek out FIRST?

    You got Black homothugs out here who can't even change a tire, let alone fix anything around the house, so what can she get out of the majority of Black men?


    A baby.


    'Crabs in the barrel' mentality; yes, Farrakhan has spoken about that frequently, and that phenomena happens when everyone's vying for the same limited trinkets and white acceptance. It's not some personal, solely-Black deficit that's exclusive to Black people. Take a gang of Chinese people, put them in a room, deprive them of food, nourishment and any hope of getting either, they will undercut their own just to survive. Chinese people tell on themselves often in their movies; do you remember The Legend of Drunken Master (Jackie Chan, mid 1990s)? The entire movie was reprimanding themselves for selling Chinese artifacts to the British. In this movie, they acknowledged that they had traitors WITHIN and exploiters without. Yeah, they sold their own culture and heritage, but they also got in the ass of the folks who incentivized their doing so.


    If we had PWI as the Asians do, we could do the same.


    Now, you mentioned Hidden Colors series; excellent, damn good material; Tariq Nasheed is the homie and I can't wait for him to release MoorUS. If you're in the mood for a crash course, you should also check out The Black Channel's Jason Black; The Black Authority. If you're looking for something a bit more jocular but with a very serious undertone, check out the 5150 Show hosted by Corey Holcomb. 


    There's also a film you should check out, it's on Youtube; you can watch it for free. It's called Goodbye Uncle Tom; it's an Italian 'mockumentary' depicting the atrocities of slavery in black and white. Warning: This movie makes Roots, 12 Years a Slave, and Django look like Sesame Street. Watch it and message me about it, if you'd like.



    The whole thing with black women almost makes it seem like they don't have a mind of their own. And it really puts them in a not so good light in my eyes. The person in me who is learning to become more and more pro-Black wants to feel otherwise, but my entire life has seen black chicks make utter asses of themselves and for very superficial reasons. It used to break my heart, but now it just makes me shake my head and walk away.


    When it comes to these wannabe thugs....yeah, they can't do jack shit right on their own....BUT THAT'S WHO THESE BROADS THIRST AFTER!!....somebody made a video series on YouTube some years back about why so many black women are single. There was a part in that video where he talked about chicks thirsting after wannabe thugs, while shitting on the dudes busting their asses working at McDonald's earning an honest dollar. Then someone interviewed these two dumb fucks on the street and asked them why they like thugs. Their answer, "I don't know, they're just sexy". 

    Fucking hell.....


    If that and money are all it takes for our women to totally shit on us, then I don't know what to think about my own people anymore. Because that is truly pathetic. We CONSTANTLY get it drilled in our heads to love, respect, and worship our queens. But I don't EVER recall hearing about a black mother teaching those values to their daughters....and I mean EVER. All I ever hear is shit about a guy having a job and money. Or the ever famous "you don't need no man" bullshit.


    I've changed my stance on so many things over the years. Worshiping and protecting something that shits on its sworn protectors is something I'm gonna have to give a heavy amount of thought to now. 


    I thought Tariq only had the Hidden Colors series. I never knew about anything else. If I ever get some time from this raggedy ass work schedule of mine, I'll sure to check those other things out. Definitely.




    • Cdr. O-5 Commander
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    The whole thing with black women almost makes it seem like they don't have a mind of their own. And it really puts them in a not so good light in my eyes. The person in me who is learning to become more and more pro-Black wants to feel otherwise, but my entire life has seen black chicks make utter asses of themselves and for very superficial reasons. It used to break my heart, but now it just makes me shake my head and walk away.


    When it comes to these wannabe thugs....yeah, they can't do jack shit right on their own....BUT THAT'S WHO THESE BROADS THIRST AFTER!!....somebody made a video series on YouTube some years back about why so many black women are single. There was a part in that video where he talked about chicks thirsting after wannabe thugs, while shitting on the dudes busting their asses working at McDonald's earning an honest dollar. Then someone interviewed these two dumb fucks on the street and asked them why they like thugs. Their answer, "I don't know, they're just sexy". 

    Fucking hell.....


    If that and money are all it takes for our women to totally shit on us, then I don't know what to think about my own people anymore. Because that is truly pathetic. We CONSTANTLY get it drilled in our heads to love, respect, and worship our queens. But I don't EVER recall hearing about a black mother teaching those values to their daughters....and I mean EVER. All I ever hear is shit about a guy having a job and money. Or the ever famous "you don't need no man" bullshit.


    I've changed my stance on so many things over the years. Worshiping and protecting something that shits on its sworn protectors is something I'm gonna have to give a heavy amount of thought to now. 


    I thought Tariq only had the Hidden Colors series. I never knew about anything else. If I ever get some time from this raggedy ass work schedule of mine, I'll sure to check those other things out. Definitely.



    Your pessimism is grounded in truth and reality so I don't demean it or deem it some woman-hating fallacy; there are indeed some women who, even after you've accomplished and built will STILL defer to bums and white supremacy, every race has those kind of people in it; stuck on stupid and fastened to fucked up. With power, wealth, and influence, you have the authority to create a new standard and the ABILITY to subjugate those who refuse to adhere to said standards.


    I'll give you an example: hillbillies and 'trailer trash'. Progressive whites who demand their people evolve and become stronger figure out a way to be a cog in the wheel of such a machination; they're either top-notch employees, they innovate and create inventions, they build businesses, they're upstanding citizens willing and able to adhere to their code of conduct and ethics, they maneuver in a fashion that enhances the quality of life of their people...then, you have trailer trash hillbillies who adhere to the code IN THEORY, but produce absolutely nothing to ensure their survival. As you know, those people are relegated to live on the outskirts of town in squalor OR PUSHED INTO LIVING BESIDE YOU. They relegate the non-builders within their own race; classism. They literally deincentivize one not aspiring to be better; punish those who waste white skin by not doing anything better with themselves, and they do this by showing themselves THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU'RE SEPARATED FROM GRACE: YOU WILL LIVE LIKE HONEY BOO-BOO, YOUR MEN WILL BE METH ADDICTED, CHILD MOLESTERS, AND YOUR WOMEN WILL BE FAT AND HOMELY AND YOU WILL LIVE IN SQUALOR INDEFINITELY UNTIL YOU'VE PROVEN YOUR WORTH TO THE COLLECTIVE. 


    As a Black community with PWI, we can RELEGATE those who engage in anti-sex, have self-destructive, selfish behaviors that causes detriment to the collective and WE can PUSH them out of the way, everyone from serial bastard baby makers and man-hating broodmares to the feckless, inebriated 'thug' who's only claim to fame is the children he doesn't tend to and the outdated, pimped out Crown Vic he drives.


    ^^ That's the kind of thing that happens when you have a code of conduct and power, wealth, and influence.


    Now, you also mentioned the neo-feminist indoctrination Black men undergo during their youth given by reckless hos who are trying to con acquiescence out of people they hadn't earned (or even aspire to earn, in most cases). That's a very real phenomena in our community, as you can CLEARLY see that over 70% of these women aren't worth having while it appears that over 80% of men out here find themselves unequally yoked with bummy, cantankerous hoodrats who aren't even fit for a one night stand. They say 'you should respect me', meanwhile, they're getting into fights in public and twerking. Nowadays, women are so focused on replicating the misdeeds of men (promiscuity, fighting, etc) that they've essentially given up on EVERYTHING that would make them desirable to men. So, what are you left with? A core collective of women who see the life we live is problematic and they're doing everything possible to fix the problem the best way they know how; there's a reason these hos praise Ciara for getting with a simp but lambaste Ayesha Curry for being a LADY; the prior enables them with, 'I can be loose, reckless, and an overall bitch who squandered my best years on thugs, but when I've decided to calm down, someone worth a damn will want me' and the latter holds their feet to the fire as a constant reminder that they're fucking up. The neo-feminist indoctrination is easing up; 10 years ago, the term 'slut-shaming' wasn't a thing because EVERYONE PLAYED ALONG and pretended their behaviors weren't problematic. Now the conversation's shifted and we're adapting a code of conduct; if you hear a woman nowadays saying 'I don't need no man', trust that NO MAN WANTS HER RAGGEDY ASS EITHER...and when she says 'I'm educated, you don't want me because I'm a strong Black woman', folks are now telling her 'your degree's MAYBE enticing to an employer, but it doesn't mean a damn to me. You're not 'strong' because you're paying your own bills; it's what ADULTS do, now sit your ass down somewhere'.


    All I'll tell you is build and be patient; the tide is turning. Intelligent Black Society will reign again.




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    Every one has there own kinks and fetishes I a not going to hate on you if you like your ass licked and personally I don't care but wouldn't you find a kind somewhat suspect if he is going around sticking his tongue in someone's ass or having someone stick there tongue in his ass but do what you do, it's not enough mouthwash to kill ass germs if you asked me, so I will pass on the ass thing




    • (Civilian) Civilian
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    Very good topic and it should have got more support

    Harlem's Finest

    Harlem's Finest


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    Your pessimism is grounded in truth and reality so I don't demean it or deem it some woman-hating fallacy; there are indeed some women who, even after you've accomplished and built will STILL defer to bums and white supremacy, every race has those kind of people in it; stuck on stupid and fastened to fucked up. With power, wealth, and influence, you have the authority to create a new standard and the ABILITY to subjugate those who refuse to adhere to said standards.


    I'll give you an example: hillbillies and 'trailer trash'. Progressive whites who demand their people evolve and become stronger figure out a way to be a cog in the wheel of such a machination; they're either top-notch employees, they innovate and create inventions, they build businesses, they're upstanding citizens willing and able to adhere to their code of conduct and ethics, they maneuver in a fashion that enhances the quality of life of their people...then, you have trailer trash hillbillies who adhere to the code IN THEORY, but produce absolutely nothing to ensure their survival. As you know, those people are relegated to live on the outskirts of town in squalor OR PUSHED INTO LIVING BESIDE YOU. They relegate the non-builders within their own race; classism. They literally deincentivize one not aspiring to be better; punish those who waste white skin by not doing anything better with themselves, and they do this by showing themselves THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU'RE SEPARATED FROM GRACE: YOU WILL LIVE LIKE HONEY BOO-BOO, YOUR MEN WILL BE METH ADDICTED, CHILD MOLESTERS, AND YOUR WOMEN WILL BE FAT AND HOMELY AND YOU WILL LIVE IN SQUALOR INDEFINITELY UNTIL YOU'VE PROVEN YOUR WORTH TO THE COLLECTIVE. 


    As a Black community with PWI, we can RELEGATE those who engage in anti-sex, have self-destructive, selfish behaviors that causes detriment to the collective and WE can PUSH them out of the way, everyone from serial bastard baby makers and man-hating broodmares to the feckless, inebriated 'thug' who's only claim to fame is the children he doesn't tend to and the outdated, pimped out Crown Vic he drives.


    ^^ That's the kind of thing that happens when you have a code of conduct and power, wealth, and influence.


    Now, you also mentioned the neo-feminist indoctrination Black men undergo during their youth given by reckless hos who are trying to con acquiescence out of people they hadn't earned (or even aspire to earn, in most cases). That's a very real phenomena in our community, as you can CLEARLY see that over 70% of these women aren't worth having while it appears that over 80% of men out here find themselves unequally yoked with bummy, cantankerous hoodrats who aren't even fit for a one night stand. They say 'you should respect me', meanwhile, they're getting into fights in public and twerking. Nowadays, women are so focused on replicating the misdeeds of men (promiscuity, fighting, etc) that they've essentially given up on EVERYTHING that would make them desirable to men. So, what are you left with? A core collective of women who see the life we live is problematic and they're doing everything possible to fix the problem the best way they know how; there's a reason these hos praise Ciara for getting with a simp but lambaste Ayesha Curry for being a LADY; the prior enables them with, 'I can be loose, reckless, and an overall bitch who squandered my best years on thugs, but when I've decided to calm down, someone worth a damn will want me' and the latter holds their feet to the fire as a constant reminder that they're fucking up. The neo-feminist indoctrination is easing up; 10 years ago, the term 'slut-shaming' wasn't a thing because EVERYONE PLAYED ALONG and pretended their behaviors weren't problematic. Now the conversation's shifted and we're adapting a code of conduct; if you hear a woman nowadays saying 'I don't need no man', trust that NO MAN WANTS HER RAGGEDY ASS EITHER...and when she says 'I'm educated, you don't want me because I'm a strong Black woman', folks are now telling her 'your degree's MAYBE enticing to an employer, but it doesn't mean a damn to me. You're not 'strong' because you're paying your own bills; it's what ADULTS do, now sit your ass down somewhere'.


    All I'll tell you is build and be patient; the tide is turning. Intelligent Black Society will reign again.





    You know....I really wanna sit here and say I try not to be a cynic, but I could never lie THAT much. The more we both go on about our community, the more layers of issues get brought up that I don't think ANY people can overcome. I don't even know what else to say about this point.


    I do have a question though.....


    After watching all the Hidden Colors movies, all I could wonder is HOW THE HELL DID WE LOSE EVERY DAMN THING!??!?


    I mean, we come from kings and queens. We damn near seeded this planet. I mean, we were EVERYWHERE. They even said in the movies, the farther back you go, the blacker things get. But SOMEHOW, we completely lost everything. I just don't understand how the hell did we end up here. Leave it up to our schools to tell it, we were ALWAYS like this since slavery.




    As far as the whole code of conduct thing goes. Be honest, at this point, do you REALLY think that could ever be possible within our community? I mean, it's like every time I turn around, our people are going out of their way to please everyone around us in some blind effort to be accepted...then there's the constant efforts of defending every OTHER community when they're being targeted. I just don't freaking get it!

    Harlem's Finest

    Harlem's Finest


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    Every one has there own kinks and fetishes I a not going to hate on you if you like your ass licked and personally I don't care but wouldn't you find a kind somewhat suspect if he is going around sticking his tongue in someone's ass or having someone stick there tongue in his ass but do what you do, it's not enough mouthwash to kill ass germs if you asked me, so I will pass on the ass thing



    I just know it's coming eventually, but before anybody has the chance to say it....NO, we're not in any way bashing the gay community. Personally, I'M bashing wannabe thugs who try to force feed you that they're more man than you, but as soon as the lights go out, they're on all fours or on their backs with their legs in the air damn near BEGGING FOR AND DEMANDING someone do something to their asses.




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    You know....I really wanna sit here and say I try not to be a cynic, but I could never lie THAT much. The more we both go on about our community, the more layers of issues get brought up that I don't think ANY people can overcome. I don't even know what else to say about this point.


    I do have a question though.....


    After watching all the Hidden Colors movies, all I could wonder is HOW THE HELL DID WE LOSE EVERY DAMN THING!??!?


    I mean, we come from kings and queens. We damn near seeded this planet. I mean, we were EVERYWHERE. They even said in the movies, the farther back you go, the blacker things get. But SOMEHOW, we completely lost everything. I just don't understand how the hell did we end up here. Leave it up to our schools to tell it, we were ALWAYS like this since slavery.




    As far as the whole code of conduct thing goes. Be honest, at this point, do you REALLY think that could ever be possible within our community? I mean, it's like every time I turn around, our people are going out of their way to please everyone around us in some blind effort to be accepted...then there's the constant efforts of defending every OTHER community when they're being targeted. I just don't freaking get it!



    How did we lose it? That's a tricky question. You could say we lost it due to petty differences in Africa (where we were feuding tribes instead of behaving as a collective when whites and Arabs came to subjugate us) or you could say it was integration (where we had a moderate business infrastructure that we threw away when whites granted us access to their establishments). I say it's the prior.


    And yes, I think it's possible to establish a code of conduct in our community; folks change for incentives all the time. For instance, you could have a rambunctious teen who joined the armed forces for financial security; to stay, he'll adhere to their code of ethics. To be in the NFL/NBA, athletes adhere to their organization's code of ethics. The same folks who'll jump bad with you NEVER strike a blow at white supremacy; the same folks who'll shoot you for stepping on their pair of shoes will stand in an orderly line around the block to get them from Footlocker. Black people aren't innately stupid or regressed into an infantile state; they know. The people, the intersectionalist coons you speak of, cheerlead for other groups because they are LOOKING FOR A SAVIOR, itching for a way out of their lot in life and hoping to receive crumbs from other's tables. That's a position of weakness; a position a people most likely wouldn't take if they had EMPOWERMENT OF THEIR OWN. These are intentional actions of the weak and powerless; not something innately destined to us. There were Jews who cheered for their own death and destruction thinking that THEY THEMSELVES were exempt from it. When you have no carrot or no stick, folks will follow and prance around those who do.




    • (Civilian) Civilian
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    Wow now this could turn into a great conversation So Harlems Finest turn your question into a new topic and let's talk about it




    • (Civilian) Civilian
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    This line of conversation is head into a new direction

    Harlem's Finest

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    How did we lose it? That's a tricky question. You could say we lost it due to petty differences in Africa (where we were feuding tribes instead of behaving as a collective when whites and Arabs came to subjugate us) or you could say it was integration (where we had a moderate business infrastructure that we threw away when whites granted us access to their establishments). I say it's the prior.


    And yes, I think it's possible to establish a code of conduct in our community; folks change for incentives all the time. For instance, you could have a rambunctious teen who joined the armed forces for financial security; to stay, he'll adhere to their code of ethics. To be in the NFL/NBA, athletes adhere to their organization's code of ethics. The same folks who'll jump bad with you NEVER strike a blow at white supremacy; the same folks who'll shoot you for stepping on their pair of shoes will stand in an orderly line around the block to get them from Footlocker. Black people aren't innately stupid or regressed into an infantile state; they know. The people, the intersectionalist coons you speak of, cheerlead for other groups because they are LOOKING FOR A SAVIOR, itching for a way out of their lot in life and hoping to receive crumbs from other's tables. That's a position of weakness; a position a people most likely wouldn't take if they had EMPOWERMENT OF THEIR OWN. These are intentional actions of the weak and powerless; not something innately destined to us. There were Jews who cheered for their own death and destruction thinking that THEY THEMSELVES were exempt from it. When you have no carrot or no stick, folks will follow and prance around those who do.



    It's funny you should mention that second point....I heard someone on ESPN today say something along the lines of "it's not the golden rule, it's the man with the gold that makes the rule", and white supremacy has the gold. Very sad, but the truth.


    When it comes to tribes feuding....I'm willing to give that a pass, seeing as tribes are ALWAYS going to feud. But coming together to face a common foe shouldn't have been a problem. Only thing is, was it a common foe, or was it one of those cases of "hey buddy. You see that tribe over there? I think I overheard them plotting to kill you" kind of thing? It's easy to sneak behind the lines and take over when you play one hand against the other like that. I guess that's something we'l never truly know the answer to...and that angers me to no end. Farrakhan always says separation is the only solution. I used to call him nuts for suggesting something like that, but as I get older and more aware of the truth around me, I find myself agreeing with that very idea. It really might be the only way to go.

    Harlem's Finest

    Harlem's Finest


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    Wow now this could turn into a great conversation So Harlems Finest turn your question into a new topic and let's talk about it



    lol....I wouldn't be good at starting those types of topics. I am always on a quest for knowledge, so I'd have way more questions than anything else. So I'd suck at starting a topic about THIS, unfortunatlely

    Edited by Harlem's Finest, 27 April 2016 - 07:37 PM.




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    It's funny you should mention that second point....I heard someone on ESPN today say something along the lines of "it's not the golden rule, it's the man with the gold that makes the rule", and white supremacy has the gold. Very sad, but the truth.


    When it comes to tribes feuding....I'm willing to give that a pass, seeing as tribes are ALWAYS going to feud. But coming together to face a common foe shouldn't have been a problem. Only thing is, was it a common foe, or was it one of those cases of "hey buddy. You see that tribe over there? I think I overheard them plotting to kill you" kind of thing? It's easy to sneak behind the lines and take over when you play one hand against the other like that. I guess that's something we'l never truly know the answer to...and that angers me to no end. Farrakhan always says separation is the only solution. I used to call him nuts for suggesting something like that, but as I get older and more aware of the truth around me, I find myself agreeing with that very idea. It really might be the only way to go.



    Well, when you don't consider the enemy a common enemy, they can easily play both sides. Coons and white supremacists love to say 'well, Blacks sold each other into slavery', which is intellectually dishonest. If I'm an Igbo and you're a Fulani and there's no colonizer around, what would make me see you as 'my own'? We'd share the same skin color and phenotype and that's where our similarities would end. We'd have vastly different folkways, customs and languages, therefore, if I were to beat you in combat, have you as my servant, and sell you to the highest bidder, it's not 'selling my own people' to me; hell, if we're going to play it that way, The Civil War and the Holocaust were big ass 'white on white crime sprees' that should be used as propaganda to justify killing them.


    The African code of servility wasn't to beat you, rape you, brutalize you, breed you, and strip you of your ancestry and language. You'd be my butler; my 'Semmi' to the Zamunda Family; an indentured servant MAINTAINING YOUR HUMANITY. You'd be freed after you've helped reconstruct my village after the war or after your debt is repaid (for sparing your life). And let's say you didn't satisfy your debt fast enough and here comes a white dude saying 'I got 3lbs of gold, I'll take him off your hands'; unbeknownst to me, he sails you to America, beats you, breeds you, rapes your offspring, and now your new name is Toby. It's not like there was internet back then, I couldn't look you up on Facebook to see what's become of you to prevent the capturing of more Africans. I said all of this to say, that we simply had no idea what we were selling ourselves into; for the most, Africans have been hospitable to visitors and we expected they would be in kind. I just wish we had've known their history thoroughly before allowing them into our homes. Where they were from, living conditions were volatile and they pillaged, robbed, raped, and sacrificed on a nearly daily basis; it was nothing for a European to run inside another European's house, steal their daughters and kill everyone else inside; they were inculcated into that lifestyle. The Vikings, The Anglo-Saxons, The Aryans; you name it. It's not like we didn't have the might and manpower to stave them off; we simply didn't know who or what we were dealing with and we underestimated them.


    As for separation, I'm not against it, but I'm not necessarily FOR it either. I don't want either absolute integration or separatism; I want CULTURAL AND WEALTH AGGREGATION: The ability to chose either side of the spectrum from a powerful position to suffice the needs of my people. For example, the Asian community. They don't interact much with you, they don't share their money and business dealings with you, and they typically marry and couple with their own; in these regards, they're separatists. BUT they WILL set up shop in your community selling you the things we don't sell to ourselves. Why? Because doing so EMPOWERS THEIR COMMUNITY. They tell you 'buy and get out' when you're in their stores, and they operate like that socioeconomically and politically; 'do business or you're persona non grata'.


    What we, as a collective, will have to do is define what's in our best interest and map out the way to get there. If we can accomplish our goals using absolute separatism (meaning to be truly self-sufficient), I'm with it 100%, though I believe we'd need the strongest, most ironclad code of ethics ever devised to accomplish that (since we have an affinity for buying trinkets from our known enemies [Weaves, Jordans, Xboxes, etc]).




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    You know all this chatter everyone coming out the closet all this stuff is crazy, so what are they trying to create a new class of people......sex Male /Female there isn't another category lesbians don't like men but spend there life trying to be one gay men don't like women but are dressing like one, I don't give a hoot what you call yourself homosexuality is only a sexual,preference that's it you choose sexually to be attracted to the same sex your not born that way and your not made that way

    Harlem's Finest

    Harlem's Finest


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    Well, when you don't consider the enemy a common enemy, they can easily play both sides. Coons and white supremacists love to say 'well, Blacks sold each other into slavery', which is intellectually dishonest. If I'm an Igbo and you're a Fulani and there's no colonizer around, what would make me see you as 'my own'? We'd share the same skin color and phenotype and that's where our similarities would end. We'd have vastly different folkways, customs and languages, therefore, if I were to beat you in combat, have you as my servant, and sell you to the highest bidder, it's not 'selling my own people' to me; hell, if we're going to play it that way, The Civil War and the Holocaust were big ass 'white on white crime sprees' that should be used as propaganda to justify killing them.


    The African code of servility wasn't to beat you, rape you, brutalize you, breed you, and strip you of your ancestry and language. You'd be my butler; my 'Semmi' to the Zamunda Family; an indentured servant MAINTAINING YOUR HUMANITY. You'd be freed after you've helped reconstruct my village after the war or after your debt is repaid (for sparing your life). And let's say you didn't satisfy your debt fast enough and here comes a white dude saying 'I got 3lbs of gold, I'll take him off your hands'; unbeknownst to me, he sails you to America, beats you, breeds you, rapes your offspring, and now your new name is Toby. It's not like there was internet back then, I couldn't look you up on Facebook to see what's become of you to prevent the capturing of more Africans. I said all of this to say, that we simply had no idea what we were selling ourselves into; for the most, Africans have been hospitable to visitors and we expected they would be in kind. I just wish we had've known their history thoroughly before allowing them into our homes. Where they were from, living conditions were volatile and they pillaged, robbed, raped, and sacrificed on a nearly daily basis; it was nothing for a European to run inside another European's house, steal their daughters and kill everyone else inside; they were inculcated into that lifestyle. The Vikings, The Anglo-Saxons, The Aryans; you name it. It's not like we didn't have the might and manpower to stave them off; we simply didn't know who or what we were dealing with and we underestimated them.


    As for separation, I'm not against it, but I'm not necessarily FOR it either. I don't want either absolute integration or separatism; I want CULTURAL AND WEALTH AGGREGATION: The ability to chose either side of the spectrum from a powerful position to suffice the needs of my people. For example, the Asian community. They don't interact much with you, they don't share their money and business dealings with you, and they typically marry and couple with their own; in these regards, they're separatists. BUT they WILL set up shop in your community selling you the things we don't sell to ourselves. Why? Because doing so EMPOWERS THEIR COMMUNITY. They tell you 'buy and get out' when you're in their stores, and they operate like that socioeconomically and politically; 'do business or you're persona non grata'.


    What we, as a collective, will have to do is define what's in our best interest and map out the way to get there. If we can accomplish our goals using absolute separatism (meaning to be truly self-sufficient), I'm with it 100%, though I believe we'd need the strongest, most ironclad code of ethics ever devised to accomplish that (since we have an affinity for buying trinkets from our known enemies [Weaves, Jordans, Xboxes, etc]).




    You hear that line "blacks had slaves too" all the fucking time, and it pisses me off. But when I think about how slavery went down from start to now, it saddens me to the point of RAGE. I was in a freaking Rite Aid today and the security guard stopped me and wanted to look in my bag (of course I said hell no). The first thought that went through my brain was how I'm starting to hate being Black, but I know that's the American in me thinking that so I snapped back to reality. Everything from then to now is connected and I honestly don't know the words to say about it, that's why i constantly listen to speeches by Farrakhan, Malcolm X, and a few select others on YouTube. But i swear, the more I learn about our history the more enraged i become. That can't be normal. I will admit i don't have HALF the education you have on this subject. I just know what I've been absorbing and learning for the past few years. Most of it is so hard for me to take in that I stop midway through because it actually causes emotional pain hearing about a community that I happen to be apart of being in the state that it is now, and knowing in my heart that it's not likely to ever get to the point of where it needs to be UNLESS there really is separation. I intend to learn more until my dying days, but it's not easy for me.

    What kills me though is how, out of all other communities on the planet, WE have the most reason to hate absolutely EVERYONE....but somehow we have this "love our enemies" thing implanted in our heads and hearts, and I have a feeling that's another reason for where we are right now. Because when we fight, WE FUCKING FIGHT...but then we go back to sleep when the ones we're fighting say the right thing for a few seconds...then the cycle continues on. But it's those times when we fight that I pound my chest over, because no other people is as fierce as we are....we just tend to fall back on peace and brotherhood all the time. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's the way we do it that pisses me off.


    The thing with the Asian community though. You get all types of looks up and down when you go into their stores, their communities, and sometimes just asking them for freaking directions. They'd probably spit on you if their daughters ended up dating you and you're Black. But at the same time, they welcome you with open arms if you're white. Now THAT I will never understand.




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    You hear that line "blacks had slaves too" all the fucking time, and it pisses me off. But when I think about how slavery went down from start to now, it saddens me to the point of RAGE. I was in a freaking Rite Aid today and the security guard stopped me and wanted to look in my bag (of course I said hell no). The first thought that went through my brain was how I'm starting to hate being Black, but I know that's the American in me thinking that so I snapped back to reality. Everything from then to now is connected and I honestly don't know the words to say about it, that's why i constantly listen to speeches by Farrakhan, Malcolm X, and a few select others on YouTube. But i swear, the more I learn about our history the more enraged i become. That can't be normal. I will admit i don't have HALF the education you have on this subject. I just know what I've been absorbing and learning for the past few years. Most of it is so hard for me to take in that I stop midway through because it actually causes emotional pain hearing about a community that I happen to be apart of being in the state that it is now, and knowing in my heart that it's not likely to ever get to the point of where it needs to be UNLESS there really is separation. I intend to learn more until my dying days, but it's not easy for me.

    What kills me though is how, out of all other communities on the planet, WE have the most reason to hate absolutely EVERYONE....but somehow we have this "love our enemies" thing implanted in our heads and hearts, and I have a feeling that's another reason for where we are right now. Because when we fight, WE FUCKING FIGHT...but then we go back to sleep when the ones we're fighting say the right thing for a few seconds...then the cycle continues on. But it's those times when we fight that I pound my chest over, because no other people is as fierce as we are....we just tend to fall back on peace and brotherhood all the time. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's the way we do it that pisses me off.


    The thing with the Asian community though. You get all types of looks up and down when you go into their stores, their communities, and sometimes just asking them for freaking directions. They'd probably spit on you if their daughters ended up dating you and you're Black. But at the same time, they welcome you with open arms if you're white. Now THAT I will never understand.


    I'm glad that you were able to piece together your resolve and not internalize what white supremacy tries to indoctrinate in us all; a hatred of self. You are Black; you can't shuck and jive your way out of it, you can't adhere to some bullshit 'respectability politic' out of it,  and you can't hide behind patriotism, religion, special interest groups to 'water-down' your Blackness, so there's no reason berating yourself for it. There's enough hate for you as it is, and I'm glad you didn't fall into that trap. THEY have a problem with you; keep your eyes on the prize and understand that it's totally acceptable to have a problem with THEM too.


    'Love thy enemy' is the biggest mindfuck that has ever plagued the Black community, but again, it's a coping mechanism and they're looking for a savior. Once you definitively say, 'We don't like you, we don't approve of you, and you can go fuck yourself', the illusion of gathering crumbs from them fades and bootlicking negros don't ever want to lose their taste for the illusion of inclusion. 


    Now, have you watched Goodbye Uncle Tom yet; it's on Youtube for free.

    Edited by Truculence, 30 April 2016 - 08:15 PM.




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    Some great conversation.......Good Job




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    I would do it a few times but definitely not a daily thing. I'm relatively young so my way of thinking if I'm a eat a girl ass and Fuck it, I might as well be gay because doing that in my opinion defeats the purpose of the girl having a pussy. I know I am immature for that lol. But that's the way I see it.
    I wouldn't mind doing it if me and my girl want to experiment because things get bored or she just has the best fucking head and pussy lol that's the only way for a special occasion thing lol

    Harlem's Finest

    Harlem's Finest


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    I'm glad that you were able to piece together your resolve and not internalize what white supremacy tries to indoctrinate in us all; a hatred of self. You are Black; you can't shuck and jive your way out of it, you can't adhere to some bullshit 'respectability politic' out of it,  and you can't hide behind patriotism, religion, special interest groups to 'water-down' your Blackness, so there's no reason berating yourself for it. There's enough hate for you as it is, and I'm glad you didn't fall into that trap. THEY have a problem with you; keep your eyes on the prize and understand that it's totally acceptable to have a problem with THEM too.


    'Love thy enemy' is the biggest mindfuck that has ever plagued the Black community, but again, it's a coping mechanism and they're looking for a savior. Once you definitively say, 'We don't like you, we don't approve of you, and you can go fuck yourself', the illusion of gathering crumbs from them fades and bootlicking negros don't ever want to lose their taste for the illusion of inclusion. 


    Now, have you watched Goodbye Uncle Tom yet; it's on Youtube for free.



    No I haven't heard of that yet, but I'll be sure to download it off YouTube to check it out once this ridiculous schedule I'm on gives me a break.


    I've been thinking these last few days...and I'm pretty sure this is far fetched and probably extreme as all hell, but it made sense when I thought about it.....but if we all decided to up and leave this country and go back to Africa like a WHOOOOOOLE lot of white people want us to do to begin with, two things will surely happen...the first is America will completely crumble without us. Almost overnight. This country as we know it will literally cease to exist. The other thing would be all of us EVENTUALLY joining our African family and completely ridding the continent of all white people, making Africa a worldwide super power, because I believe that Blacks from around the world would see what's happening and join up with us all over there. I got these thoughts from the whole separation idea from Farrakhan.


    Far fetched....yeah....extreme...maybe.....but I'm not gonna lie...it would be a serious struggle, but I would be on the front lines for THAT exodus. 




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    No I haven't heard of that yet, but I'll be sure to download it off YouTube to check it out once this ridiculous schedule I'm on gives me a break.


    I've been thinking these last few days...and I'm pretty sure this is far fetched and probably extreme as all hell, but it made sense when I thought about it.....but if we all decided to up and leave this country and go back to Africa like a WHOOOOOOLE lot of white people want us to do to begin with, two things will surely happen...the first is America will completely crumble without us. Almost overnight. This country as we know it will literally cease to exist. The other thing would be all of us EVENTUALLY joining our African family and completely ridding the continent of all white people, making Africa a worldwide super power, because I believe that Blacks from around the world would see what's happening and join up with us all over there. I got these thoughts from the whole separation idea from Farrakhan.


    Far fetched....yeah....extreme...maybe.....but I'm not gonna lie...it would be a serious struggle, but I would be on the front lines for THAT exodus. 



    The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey created the Black Star Line to transport Blacks back to Africa and the FBI hired it's FIRST Black informant to infiltrate the UNIA movement and dismantle it, so the next time a white person tells you, 'go back to Africa', tell them we've tried and J. Edgar Hoover and his coon crony sabotaged it.


    Regarding your assertion that America would crumble almost overnight due to our departure, America would implode, but not in the way you're imagining. The only essential thing that would probably change is caste order; when the Blacks are gone, who's the new 'low class'? Would it be the Latinos or will they regress back into the European standard and target the poor among them? I'm guessing the prior (since they're currently the working class that replaced us), but that's just fanciful thinking, and hypothetically, if we were to leave, America would be the least of my concern, but here are some serious things to take into consideration:


    Firstly, we must acknowledge that Africans around the world only control one half of one percent of the global wealth; if we were to monolithically eject ourselves from America, what would we be taking with us that would bring about such a catastrophic ceasing of business as usual beyond a missing culture they can no longer appropriate? Current America stands on the foundation of OLD America; they already have 400 years of free labor amalgamated and appropriated for themselves; when you leave today they'll STILL be living off of the wealth their forebears obtained from yours.


    Secondly, we must acknowledge that there's no place in this world that white supremacy doesn't control, whether it's Brazil, New York, Australia, Nigeria, or South Africa. and seeing that we currently have very little resources to leverage against and supplant the current ruling class of an African country, planning an exodus to Africa would be disadvantageous to those who currently live there (having to share what very little they have with foreigners).


    Thirdly, and this ties with the second, not to sound like self-deprecation, but with an over 70%+ unemployment rate among unskilled laborers, what would the entirety of us do to BENEFIT Africa; bring gender-divisive ideologies, theologies, super groovy metaphysics, anti-sexual behavior, cooning and baffooning, and a plethora of other western ills they don't need? You have to consider the Black community's current state: a whopping majority of feckless coons and bedwenches who supply absolutely NOTHING of substance HERE and will sell you out for white acceptance (a butter biscuit, a pat on the head, and a nice mat to lay on massah's cherry hardwood floors to lie on); if you brought that element to Africa, they'd scrounge around to find the closest white supremacist they can acquiesce to, thus defeating your purpose for being there because they will SELLOUT and COMPROMISE anything you're trying to build (cue Jacob Zuma and the ANC).


    Fourthly, right now, if the entirety of the Black community said 'fuck it, let's go back to Africa', how would you go about getting there? Do we own or control any modes of transportation that would guarantee safe passage? Have we legislatively established a beachhead that said such an exodus is granted condition-free? There was a white exodus when Obama became president and passports and renouncing US citizenship spiked in cost and wait-time. Theoretically, many African countries have openly invited us to come (under well-grounded stipulations, of course [I think Ghana said we can come back as long as we're not gay]) but if you haven't established the levers of power, wealth, and influence where you are, how will you ever take them up on their offers?


    Fifthly, you're going to run them off of the continent with what? Guns? Militias? And who would fund that; the only time you see a sponsored gun in the hands of Black people is when they're doing white supremacy's bidding (ie. Rwanda). Mugabe in Zimbabwe has the right idea, and so did Idi Amin Dada; they didn't want foreigners eating off of a platter they hadn't contributed to, but they couldn't/can't accomplish things like that with UN funding. The PEOPLE would have to make that stance using their own power, wealth, and influence and place political figures in high positions to do THEIR bidding; you will not be able to push weight on a politician you don't control, Black or otherwise, as evident in America. The PEOPLE will have to 'pay the piper' to play OUR tune and you cannot do that without an economy.


    Lastly, and I'll use South Africa as an example: 80% of that country's citizens are Black, yet the majority of them live in Shantytown and other squalor-ridden places, why? Because though apartheid is over, they are socioeconomically castrated in the same or similar fashion American Africans are. Sure, there's no more 'White Only' signs, but if you're an economically disenfranchised people who can't afford the base needs to supply a quality standards of living the ruling minority has built for itself, who NEEDS the signs and Jim Crow/Apartheid laws? You simply won't be found there, because YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO BE THERE (cue gentrification). If you can't handle that here and open doors for YOURSELVES in a capitalistic society, how would you manage to maneuver in a mineral-export-ran country that's even less hospitable to you?


    So, essentially what I'm telling you is, if you can't handle the bullies in your own neighborhood and community, it would be foolish to initiate a bout with a 500-year-reigning Heavyweight Champion in their arena; build power, wealth, and influence where it's most amiable, THEN take your monetary resources and jobs to Africa. The Asians are attempting to colonize Africa and they're able to do so because they built resources in their homeland and America and they're EXPANDING into Africa.


    Africa doesn't need anymore superficial 'groovy' Black people who're simply there to take up space, consume, run through the women, 'be one with nature', have their 'prodigal son's come back home' moments, and peddle idiotic folkways that aren't conducive to African life (ie. homosexuality, feminism, MGTOW, child-desertion, etc). Africa needs BUILDERS that will enhance their current quality of life, not a bunch of foreign Africans who look at them through the eyes of white supremacy or a bunch of quitters with their tails between their legs looking for a place to hide.


    I'm all for going back, just not empty-handed.




    • E-3 Freak
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    I'm going to be COMPLETELY HONEST about this. At first I was against this cause it was something NEW to me, but when I had it performed on me by a female who I didn't ask, force or pressure her to do it. I was turned on cause all she wanted to do is to make me happy and enjoy her company. What she did to me, made me go harder for her to be COMPLETELY satisfied in every which way she needs to be satisfied. 7 OUT OF 10 men CAN NOT MAKE A FEMALE nut. It's a hard thing for men to do unless the women have that connection with the guy then it's easy. But back to the topic at hand here. To answer the question, yes I'm all for it for the simple fact that I'm comfortable with my sexuality and I know who I am as a person.




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    Great debate shipmates

    Harlem's Finest

    Harlem's Finest


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    The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey created the Black Star Line to transport Blacks back to Africa and the FBI hired it's FIRST Black informant to infiltrate the UNIA movement and dismantle it, so the next time a white person tells you, 'go back to Africa', tell them we've tried and J. Edgar Hoover and his coon crony sabotaged it.


    Regarding your assertion that America would crumble almost overnight due to our departure, America would implode, but not in the way you're imagining. The only essential thing that would probably change is caste order; when the Blacks are gone, who's the new 'low class'? Would it be the Latinos or will they regress back into the European standard and target the poor among them? I'm guessing the prior (since they're currently the working class that replaced us), but that's just fanciful thinking, and hypothetically, if we were to leave, America would be the least of my concern, but here are some serious things to take into consideration:


    Firstly, we must acknowledge that Africans around the world only control one half of one percent of the global wealth; if we were to monolithically eject ourselves from America, what would we be taking with us that would bring about such a catastrophic ceasing of business as usual beyond a missing culture they can no longer appropriate? Current America stands on the foundation of OLD America; they already have 400 years of free labor amalgamated and appropriated for themselves; when you leave today they'll STILL be living off of the wealth their forebears obtained from yours.


    Secondly, we must acknowledge that there's no place in this world that white supremacy doesn't control, whether it's Brazil, New York, Australia, Nigeria, or South Africa. and seeing that we currently have very little resources to leverage against and supplant the current ruling class of an African country, planning an exodus to Africa would be disadvantageous to those who currently live there (having to share what very little they have with foreigners).


    Thirdly, and this ties with the second, not to sound like self-deprecation, but with an over 70%+ unemployment rate among unskilled laborers, what would the entirety of us do to BENEFIT Africa; bring gender-divisive ideologies, theologies, super groovy metaphysics, anti-sexual behavior, cooning and baffooning, and a plethora of other western ills they don't need? You have to consider the Black community's current state: a whopping majority of feckless coons and bedwenches who supply absolutely NOTHING of substance HERE and will sell you out for white acceptance (a butter biscuit, a pat on the head, and a nice mat to lay on massah's cherry hardwood floors to lie on); if you brought that element to Africa, they'd scrounge around to find the closest white supremacist they can acquiesce to, thus defeating your purpose for being there because they will SELLOUT and COMPROMISE anything you're trying to build (cue Jacob Zuma and the ANC).


    Fourthly, right now, if the entirety of the Black community said 'fuck it, let's go back to Africa', how would you go about getting there? Do we own or control any modes of transportation that would guarantee safe passage? Have we legislatively established a beachhead that said such an exodus is granted condition-free? There was a white exodus when Obama became president and passports and renouncing US citizenship spiked in cost and wait-time. Theoretically, many African countries have openly invited us to come (under well-grounded stipulations, of course [I think Ghana said we can come back as long as we're not gay]) but if you haven't established the levers of power, wealth, and influence where you are, how will you ever take them up on their offers?


    Fifthly, you're going to run them off of the continent with what? Guns? Militias? And who would fund that; the only time you see a sponsored gun in the hands of Black people is when they're doing white supremacy's bidding (ie. Rwanda). Mugabe in Zimbabwe has the right idea, and so did Idi Amin Dada; they didn't want foreigners eating off of a platter they hadn't contributed to, but they couldn't/can't accomplish things like that with UN funding. The PEOPLE would have to make that stance using their own power, wealth, and influence and place political figures in high positions to do THEIR bidding; you will not be able to push weight on a politician you don't control, Black or otherwise, as evident in America. The PEOPLE will have to 'pay the piper' to play OUR tune and you cannot do that without an economy.


    Lastly, and I'll use South Africa as an example: 80% of that country's citizens are Black, yet the majority of them live in Shantytown and other squalor-ridden places, why? Because though apartheid is over, they are socioeconomically castrated in the same or similar fashion American Africans are. Sure, there's no more 'White Only' signs, but if you're an economically disenfranchised people who can't afford the base needs to supply a quality standards of living the ruling minority has built for itself, who NEEDS the signs and Jim Crow/Apartheid laws? You simply won't be found there, because YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO BE THERE (cue gentrification). If you can't handle that here and open doors for YOURSELVES in a capitalistic society, how would you manage to maneuver in a mineral-export-ran country that's even less hospitable to you?


    So, essentially what I'm telling you is, if you can't handle the bullies in your own neighborhood and community, it would be foolish to initiate a bout with a 500-year-reigning Heavyweight Champion in their arena; build power, wealth, and influence where it's most amiable, THEN take your monetary resources and jobs to Africa. The Asians are attempting to colonize Africa and they're able to do so because they built resources in their homeland and America and they're EXPANDING into Africa.


    Africa doesn't need anymore superficial 'groovy' Black people who're simply there to take up space, consume, run through the women, 'be one with nature', have their 'prodigal son's come back home' moments, and peddle idiotic folkways that aren't conducive to African life (ie. homosexuality, feminism, MGTOW, child-desertion, etc). Africa needs BUILDERS that will enhance their current quality of life, not a bunch of foreign Africans who look at them through the eyes of white supremacy or a bunch of quitters with their tails between their legs looking for a place to hide.


    I'm all for going back, just not empty-handed.



    For the life of me, I don't know how the hell I'm JUST NOW seeing this....


    But anyway....


    Damn, when you put it that way, it almost sounds like we're screwed from one end of this planet to the next. Like the entire WORLD....ALL societies and races are against us for some reason. I know I don't know that much about our history, but I AM trying to educate myself on it. But the way the rest of the WORLD sees us is a total mystery to me. America is a big enough piece of shit, but what reason does the rest of the world have to treat us and see us the way they do? 

    Sorry this reply isn't as long as the others...this whole thing just doesn't make sense to me. Everything you said seems to come back to us being looked at as black sheep around the damn globe. I mean, yeah, saying we've been brain washed is an EXTREME understatement, but it's just not adding up to me.




    • Cdr. O-5 Commander
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    For the life of me, I don't know how the hell I'm JUST NOW seeing this....


    But anyway....


    Damn, when you put it that way, it almost sounds like we're screwed from one end of this planet to the next. Like the entire WORLD....ALL societies and races are against us for some reason. I know I don't know that much about our history, but I AM trying to educate myself on it. But the way the rest of the WORLD sees us is a total mystery to me. America is a big enough piece of shit, but what reason does the rest of the world have to treat us and see us the way they do? 

    Sorry this reply isn't as long as the others...this whole thing just doesn't make sense to me. Everything you said seems to come back to us being looked at as black sheep around the damn globe. I mean, yeah, saying we've been brain washed is an EXTREME understatement, but it's just not adding up to me.



    My response was verbose enough for the both of us, lol. I'll keep my response brief as well; the last one was damn near a book.


    If you don't understand why other races hate us so, it's simple: white supremacy's power. Your Asians and Latinos are both vying for 'honorary white status', therefore, white supremacy's ideologies become THEIR ideologies. Coons don't come in just Black skin, you know; as we have 'Oreos' (Black on the outside, white inside), there are 'Twinkies' (Asian [or 'Yellow'] on the outside, white on the inside).


    If getting white acceptance and maintaining their 'model minority' status means campaigning to get 'Accident Not A Crime' Peter Liang off or giving a child killer like George Zimmerman the freedom he needs to auction off the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin...well, we, as the poorest community, are just to be used as cannon fodder; it's what happens when you're at the bottom, everyone steps on you to get higher. Tired of it? Build. Build and the next time someone even accidentally steps on you, they'll never walk straight again.


    You know how to prevent that; you may be new to the ideology; but I've given you the answer a gang of times. Move forward, reverberate the words of John Henrik Clarke and understand that WE HAVE NO FRIENDS and we barely have friends within our own race.




    • E-3 Freak
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    Grew up watching porn, so my freakiness nd ability to want to please my woman is on another level. Like most when you eating pussy you're gonna lick that ass inadvertently or purposely either way it's gonna happen. I don't mind if she wants to lick my ass long as she don't try to stick nothing in my ass. That's jus me tho, to each their own!

    Harlem's Finest

    Harlem's Finest


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    My response was verbose enough for the both of us, lol. I'll keep my response brief as well; the last one was damn near a book.


    If you don't understand why other races hate us so, it's simple: white supremacy's power. Your Asians and Latinos are both vying for 'honorary white status', therefore, white supremacy's ideologies become THEIR ideologies. Coons don't come in just Black skin, you know; as we have 'Oreos' (Black on the outside, white inside), there are 'Twinkies' (Asian [or 'Yellow'] on the outside, white on the inside).


    If getting white acceptance and maintaining their 'model minority' status means campaigning to get 'Accident Not A Crime' Peter Liang off or giving a child killer like George Zimmerman the freedom he needs to auction off the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin...well, we, as the poorest community, are just to be used as cannon fodder; it's what happens when you're at the bottom, everyone steps on you to get higher. Tired of it? Build. Build and the next time someone even accidentally steps on you, they'll never walk straight again.


    You know how to prevent that; you may be new to the ideology; but I've given you the answer a gang of times. Move forward, reverberate the words of John Henrik Clarke and understand that WE HAVE NO FRIENDS and we barely have friends within our own race.



    But that's just it....it seems like we're the enemy to EVERY race, even though other races seem to be facing the same issues (although on a WAAAAAAY less extreme scale) as us as far as being held back to a certain extent and looked down upon for not being white. Our own people are so screwed in the mind that we turn on our own. So if we have enemies without and within, how is it possible to build ANYTHING? How is it possible to have our own ANYTHING ever again? If white supremacy is such an issue, I don't see how other races, including our own, don't just put aside our petty differences and just band together to SOLVE that issue. For years now, that has always bothered me. Because it's not just us that are being screwed over...we're just screwed over way worse than anybody else for some reason. I'm at the point where I'm no longer blaming fear of what we could potentially become on why we're held back so much. I don't know what the reason is, but THEY definitely know the answer...that's for damn sure...




    • Cdr. O-5 Commander
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    But that's just it....it seems like we're the enemy to EVERY race, even though other races seem to be facing the same issues (although on a WAAAAAAY less extreme scale) as us as far as being held back to a certain extent and looked down upon for not being white. Our own people are so screwed in the mind that we turn on our own. So if we have enemies without and within, how is it possible to build ANYTHING? How is it possible to have our own ANYTHING ever again? If white supremacy is such an issue, I don't see how other races, including our own, don't just put aside our petty differences and just band together to SOLVE that issue. For years now, that has always bothered me. Because it's not just us that are being screwed over...we're just screwed over way worse than anybody else for some reason. I'm at the point where I'm no longer blaming fear of what we could potentially become on why we're held back so much. I don't know what the reason is, but THEY definitely know the answer...that's for damn sure...


    It appears that you're asking the same questions I've already answered, and again, emotionalizing (as a man) does nothing to solve the problem.


    Wishing for Black people to collectively get an 'epiphany' and work together is a waste of time.


    Even through the Civil Rights Movement that didn't happen; you had negros saying 'The Black Panthers were evil, Black militia men' and 'slavery wasn't so bad' and the movement still got it's desired effect (even though it was just Consumer Rights and interracial sex).


    I've said earlier that those without power yield to those who do. There's race-betrayal across the board, but it's prominent in ours because we're THE LEAST POWERFUL. Want this to stop? Get power, wealth, and influence.


    Ask Stacy Dash, Charles Barkley, Don Lemon, Marc Lamont-Hill, David Clarke, and Stephen A Smith; COONING IS BUSINESS. If you were supplying their daily bread or had enough power to inflict damage if they crossed you, they WOULDN'T fuck with you.


    How do you prevent the enemies within from taking over what you build? Power, wealth, and influence, and if you build big enough, they couldn't touch it if they tried (Tariq, Don Peebles, etc), but nevermind that, let's talk preventive measures:


    I have a question for you: How do you keep a person from stealing the device you're using to write me?


    You'd give me a 'no-duh' answer.

    You'd say either 'protect it, don't floss it, and/or put it away'.


    Same rules apply with folks within our collective trying to destroy you.


    The problem with most Black people who acquire a little more money than the next man is that we TRICK IT OFF and SHOWCASE IT; we drive our yearly salary and we wear our paychecks.




    We SNITCH on ourselves too goddamned much and wonder why our efforts are thwarted; that SHOWBOATING shit.


    And I'm not saying 'don't have nice things', but get your priorities straight; if you're going to have them, HAVE THE MEANS TO SECURE THEM; BEHAVE as if someone wants what you have more than you do.


    If you have a plan, only seek mentorship from a person who's where you're aiming to be, and depending on where you're currently sitting or how lofty your goals are, that could be NO ONE in your circle. Stop telling your dreams, goals and aspirations to plebs; just BUILD the shit.


    The answers aren't complex, cryptic or dubious in nature.

    Edited by Truculence, 01 June 2016 - 03:45 AM.

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