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@  westwood321 : (23 May 2024 - 10:14 AM)


@  yungchurch : (20 May 2024 - 04:18 PM)

any any old yung churcch content

@  yungchurch : (20 May 2024 - 04:17 PM)

can anyone help me find me old account

@  Johnnis666 : (18 May 2024 - 04:05 PM)

Sask canada?

@  Cowboy74 : (10 May 2024 - 04:13 AM)

Atlanta Georgia black bbw

@  SMASHSMASH2000 : (08 May 2024 - 04:13 PM)

Where bigdicc52

@  SMASHSMASH2000 : (08 May 2024 - 04:12 PM)

Where's the mz deepthroat vids

@  ILLA 2.0 : (03 May 2024 - 06:05 AM)

What the word long time

@  PO3 BarberDR : (15 April 2024 - 05:20 AM)

Hope everyone is good!

@  Mrjob : (15 April 2024 - 05:12 AM)

How we do that? Can't even upload vids?

@  bigdickzeke18 : (15 April 2024 - 02:12 AM)

Thanks hostmaster

@  Larrytaylor6462 : (05 April 2024 - 03:14 AM)


@  CWO3 pac33238 : (04 April 2024 - 11:33 PM)


@  hostmaster : (20 March 2024 - 09:15 AM)

@bigdickzeke18 https://support.ccbill.com/member.cgi

@  librakidla : (19 March 2024 - 05:31 AM)


@  bigdickzeke18 : (15 March 2024 - 03:02 AM)

How do I cancel my premium sub?

@    Rear Admiral NSk8r : (06 March 2024 - 02:55 AM)

Let's get this back on track.

@    Rear Admiral NSk8r : (06 March 2024 - 01:34 AM)

Hope Everyone is well

@  Battle0fny : (23 February 2024 - 05:56 PM)


@  pr0lifik3 : (23 February 2024 - 06:12 AM)



Why is Chicago/US so out of control?

- - - - - Off-Topic Discussion 2016 my 2¢s WTF Culture Real Talk Politics

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    I know what I hear and how the media sensationalizes stories and stats to fit their various narratives, but I do not live in the Chi.


    1. So with with that said, WTF is really happening in the Chi.


    2. Does violence in black communities encourage those to hop on the alt-right train and vote for trump?


    3. Why does it seem that if any criticism is given to the black communities or communities of color, it is immediately and universally condemned. 


    I am black and know we have things we need to work on, but damn its starting to get to a point where I can even speak out about it... Lets Discuss!!!




    • Cdr. O-5 Commander
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    1. What's happening in Chicago is what's happening everywhere where Black people reside: socioeconomic disenfranchisement that leads to crime. Most of the crimes committed by Black people are economically based: we steal because we don't have, we kill and die because we don't have anything perceived to live for, and we sell drugs because no one will hire us and we don't have the means to build our own businesses.


    2. I don't see how the two are related, but I guess a white supremacist could use 'Black on Black crime' propaganda to justify electing Trump. But overall, the folks who support Trump do so because they want to maintain their white privilege and Trump panders to that with sloganeering that makes David Duke shed a tear and open his wallet. 'Make America White Great Again' and xenophobia. 


    3. Does the Black community have problems? Sure, but mainly Black people have a problem with white supremacists and their coons for pointing at the problem while ignoring the solution and giving very little (platitudes) or nothing at all to solve said problems. Well, what's the solution?


    The solution is building and aggregating power, wealth and influence.


    Power, what we own and control.


    Wealth, what we can pass down (currently we have EVERY GENERATION starting with nothing, meanwhile, whites have 80% of what they need to succeed at BIRTH). The only thing we currently give our children is a fear of God and fear of us (not slanting theism, but if God was the only one that was suppose to provide for our children, WE WOULDN'T HAVE THEM).


    Influence, the means to move and organize for our empowerment and speak for our own best interest(s).


    Our problem is not Black on Black crime. Whites comprise of 64% of the nation's population, roughly 70% of arrests, but are only 39% of the prison population. Blacks, on the other hand, are only 13% of the population, 28% of arrests, and 40% of the prison population. 


    What does this tell you? 'Niggas have a propensity for crime; they take to it like a fish to water', I imagine.


    Truth is, when you own and control institutions, you define what's kosher and what's not and you weaponize it against your enemies. It's easy to keep less whites out of prison; you can EASILY turn a felony into a misdemeanor. 


    When you're white and get caught red-handed committing rape, 6 months in jail and out in 3 (Brock Turner).


    When you're Black and found INNOCENT of rape, you're still guilty (Nate Parker).


    But when you don't have control over the institutions and resources where you live, you're at the mercy of those who do, and 9 times out 10, they'll use their institutions and resources against you, whether it be judicially (you're criminalized), educationally (your schools are being shutdown [and more private prisons are erected]), financially (you're broke), socially (you're persona non grata), economically (you're gentrified), etc.


    For instance, whites own the media and that's why we're STILL discussing 'Black on Black crime' as if it's some abnormality or 'moral deviance' that's only attributed to Black people in 2016. Do Blacks commit crimes? Sure; which racial group doesn't? Birds of a feather flock together: Blacks with Black, Whites with White, Asians with Asian, etc and when you're in proximity to a people, you're more likely to commit a crime with/among/against those people.


    But 'Black on Black crime' is attributed to some psychosomatic malady?


    Anything can be criminalized. Check this out: 'Folks who join the armed forces have a blood-lust; they'd kill innocent women and children to just to keep a roof over their heads and food in their bellies because they don't have the skills and wherewithal to make a living without it. The Armed Forces is nothing more than a killer's government assistance program under the guise of 'patriotism'.'


    ^^ See how easy it is?


    White supremacists and coons use Black on Black crime as a way to justify race soldiers' wrongdoings to us; we hear the most 'what about Black on Black crime' rhetoric when a race soldier masquerading as police officer kills us in cold blood and there's righteous outrage about it. Black people who kill Black people go to jail (as they should), white bigots who kill us DON'T.


    The reason 'why one can't talk shit about criticize the Black community and come out unscathed' and not 'why can't I talk shit about Jews, Gays, and Asians' is because they have an economy that will socially marginalize and economically stifle you for doing so; they'll kick your ass for it. Power respects power. 


    And as the Jews did, when we get empowerment, we're CLEANING HOUSE; every white supremacist AND THEIR BLACK LACKEYS who supported the downfall of Black for their own gain will answer to us.


    Black people have gotten socially wiser in the latter years, there's no more 'I'm Black so I'm not racist when I talk shit about my people' nonsense; either you're a part of the solution or you're part of the problem. You're either working to build businesses that hire and empower your people, or you're an 'exceptional nigger' looking down your nose at the poor Black folks. There is no 'in-between' that allows one to explore how 'intersectional' they can be; fence riders make for great target practice. 'But I critique in love and good intent'...the road to hell is paved with good intentions; let your boss pay you with 'intent' and tell me if it's cool.


    If you're Black and you want to discuss a problem in the Black community, you better tell me what you're doing (not 'gonna do') to solve that problem. Otherwise, you're cooning and looking to garner favor with the people who put us in this mess. 'See, I's not lyke dem boss'.


    Your people are watching you.




    • E-3 Freak
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    Its a distraction. Politicians and People of power justify their position, pay and wrong doings by making criminals. The rest follows. Google "atf drug rings target blacks" and see if you start looking at the situation from a Birds Eye View instead of peeping the scene from the ground.




    • PO3 E-4 3rd Class Freak
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    Truculence that has to be the most perfect explanation one ever seen in my life. The black on black crime is a bit of a falsity; being that the true name is actually proximity crime. You kill, rob or rape whoever is in your area. Put whites with blacks & depending on how bad their socioeconomic conditions are, they'll commit crimes against each other.




    • Senior Chief E-8 Senior Freak (Chief)
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    chicago should be ashamed.....everyone is paying taxes to have cops on the street, yet cops are killing folks and ignoring areas with high crime rates.....if you dont want to do your job....TURN. IN. YOUR. BADGE.



    what's happening is its in the black communities.....therefore white leaders dont care.   they'll gladly take our money through taxes etc.....which is meant to pay police, first responders and the like.....only we dont get the same coverage as the nice areas.


    notice how nobody gave a shit about heroin overdoses until white people started dying.




    the shootings too. this didnt just start happening, its just everyone didnt have a camera 20 years ago.


    notice how video from fatal and odd traffic stops are just randomly popping up YEARS after they happen all of a sudden?






    "all lives matter!!"



    funny how nobody said this until someone said black lives matter.



    white people will never understand what is it to have to fight for basic rights because of what you look like, BUT all the while they have equal rights for people who have dicks, wear dresses, and demand to be called a "strong woman"



    see the problem there? they dont care abut black people, but sexual orientation is more important




    when black people demand to be EQUAL in every turn.... theres white people who have never been turned down for a job a day in their life that say "yea but...."





    anyone who said "those black people are violent" probably never saw the kkk.




    thats the biggest myth white people have ever perpetuated and invented.



    they're the ones who pillaged who continents, discovered land that was already settled, killed the natives, and called it their land. then told people centuries later to "get out if you dont like my country!"



    and then said "you know those blacks, though......angry, violent, and they rape white women"




    this country is a mess.....leaders need to be held accountable. cops too.

    Edited by FranklinHatchett, 27 September 2016 - 01:36 AM.




    • E-1 Recruit
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    The whole u.s. is fucked up




    • E-2 Apprentice
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    Shit is messed up




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    What's up




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    What's up




    • PO3 E-4 3rd Class Freak
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    People claim economic failure which is true and some could be blamed on culture. However, black communities have not figured out the importance of making and keeping an honest dollar in the community. Asians, Indians, hispanics are starting businesses and developing or taking over neighborhoods. Yet black communities still haven't figured out what other ethic groups have. Yes there are blacks who are doing well but very few black communities doing well.




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    What's up




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    • E-2 Apprentice
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    That part




    • PO2 E-5 2nd Class Freak
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    Racism white supremacy is what we are observing and the race soldiers doing the killing. Why are so many black people afraid to describe this properly. Why why why......call it by its name




    • E-3 Freak
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    I think they are kill for body part to keep it real

    Life Coach

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    The World is out of balance as well as, they're those who look just like us, that do not want you to know this. For example; no one care about flint until the media caught wind of it. I'll do one better if they knew for generation of the lead in the water, but simply overlooked it was because they already knew the effect. See, they could've spent the money every time they knocked a building down, but they simply kept it moving.

    Why. because they knew the effect already like the EPA was aware on a bigger scale. They also knew that a heavy population of the inner cities would be affected for generations to come. But this wouldn't be an issue if we stayed tune to bullshit tv, and not looking to what matter most"YOU".

    Why is the US messed up you asked? Right off the bat,  Those influenced know that most will be influenced  by social climate. This is why public education is only a mean's to mold you ideology and perceptions. They know that until you invest in your knowledge will you be able to critical think and be able to foresee what the best course of action for your financial landscape. 

    Lastly, why is the US messed up? Simply this is the by-product of denial and task's left undone only to become obstacles form by fear and fail acknowledgment. This is why Racism has decided to take the vail away because they know the small majority of people still wrestle with trauma's  that manifest into habits and dogma. Why.. You don't see your worth to invest in it, and they trump it over and over again. No different, when we believed our beloved President would do something for our community but only advanced the demands of the LGBT in less than 4, than anything as a whole in the last 400 . This ripple effect will also play out for those who think because President-Elect will extend the same privilege but won't, they will feel what every minority has known for generations.  This why so many are awakening, radicalizing from the status quo. Until you give a damn about yourself, i won't matter what's outside your door, You won't be prepared no matter if you decide to stock up on fire arms. all your doing is keeping them for the next person to take them away.  Its time to put your big - boy boots on and step into manhood. If anything be the dad yours couldn't and bring honor back to that last name you got. That's why the world/US is messed up, BECAUSE MOST WLL NOT CHANGE WHAT MATTER MOST. YOUR LEGACY. 

    Life Coach

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    • Chief E-7 Chief Freak
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    I think they are kill for body part to keep it re

    The other is what you place in that grocery cart.  Notice the FDA doesn't report like they use too, it's because they know the standards are rigged for profit. Remember there is no money in cures.




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    We have to start looking at our own communities first.  


    There needs to be a change. 




    • Chief E-7 Chief Freak

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    • LocationCloud Nine
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    It isn’t it’s just the media’s poster child for violence in the USA currently. Violent crime is on the rise nationwide.

    If you look at crime statistics Chicago doesn’t even make most lists for dangerous cities on a per capita basis.

    Chicago get’s a lot of attention from the media for a variety of reasons. President Obama has many connections to Chicago so the violence problem is often hailed as a result of his policy. There are also frequent BLM protests in Chicago, again gaining media attention.

    Chicago is touted as an example of why gun control is a failure because it has some of the strictest gun control laws in the US. However these arguments are null as Indiana (a state with very lax gun control laws) is right next door and allows criminals to traffic weapons in with ease.

    As the third largest city in the US next to LA and NY, Chicago is often compared to the much wealthier East and West cost cities. Naturally a city with more low-income areas will have a higher crime rate. The violence here is generally isolated to one of several impoverished neighborhoods.

    People read the headlines and see ‘X murders over weekend’ in Chicago and tend to be taken back. Yes, it’s true the numbers may be higher than most cities but when you account for the overall population of the city the numbers can seem a bit deceiving.

    I am by no means trying to make it seem like this isn’t a problem. It’s a problem in Chicago as well as nationwide and results in so much heartbreak for families and friends. Signs of the times. As the country’s population gets poorer and people are more desperate crime rates will increase accordingly.

    As someone who has lived in Chicago her whole life, I can tell you, it’s not. The violent shootings that you hear about mostly occur in a few poor neighborhoods. If you live in a middle class or upper middle class area, as I do, these types of shootings are extremely rare.
    Chicago has two things going for it when it comes to reporting violent crime.

    A large population to select from. Chicago is the 3rd largest city in the US.
    A VERY active and aggressive news corps. It has 2 major newspapers and more than a handful of neighborhood or specialized newspapers, a local 24-hour television station, a local 24-hour radio news station, and news crews for pretty much every local TV and radio station. And they are ALL looking for a scoop. Hardly anything is not reported.
    So if anything and everything is being reported in a city of 3,000,000, then it will appear that all 3,000,000 are up to no good.




    • Chief E-7 Chief Freak

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    It isn’t it’s just the media’s poster child for violence in the USA currently. Violent crime is on the rise nationwide.
    If you look at crime statistics Chicago doesn’t even make most lists for dangerous cities on a per capita basis.
    Chicago get’s a lot of attention from the media for a variety of reasons. President Obama has many connections to Chicago so the violence problem is often hailed as a result of his policy. There are also frequent BLM protests in Chicago, again gaining media attention.
    Chicago is touted as an example of why gun control is a failure because it has some of the strictest gun control laws in the US. However these arguments are null as Indiana (a state with very lax gun control laws) is right next door and allows criminals to traffic weapons in with ease.
    As the third largest city in the US next to LA and NY, Chicago is often compared to the much wealthier East and West cost cities. Naturally a city with more low-income areas will have a higher crime rate. The violence here is generally isolated to one of several impoverished neighborhoods.
    People read the headlines and see ‘X murders over weekend’ in Chicago and tend to be taken back. Yes, it’s true the numbers may be higher than most cities but when you account for the overall population of the city the numbers can seem a bit deceiving.
    I am by no means trying to make it seem like this isn’t a problem. It’s a problem in Chicago as well as nationwide and results in so much heartbreak for families and friends. Signs of the times. As the country’s population gets poorer and people are more desperate crime rates will increase accordingly.
    As someone who has lived in Chicago her whole life, I can tell you, it’s not. The violent shootings that you hear about mostly occur in a few poor neighborhoods. If you live in a middle class or upper middle class area, as I do, these types of shootings are extremely rare.
    Chicago has two things going for it when it comes to reporting violent crime.
    A large population to select from. Chicago is the 3rd largest city in the US.
    A VERY active and aggressive news corps. It has 2 major newspapers and more than a handful of neighborhood or specialized newspapers, a local 24-hour television station, a local 24-hour radio news station, and news crews for pretty much every local TV and radio station. And they are ALL looking for a scoop. Hardly anything is not reported.
    So if anything and everything is being reported in a city of 3,000,000, then it will appear that all 3,000,000 are up to no good.

    Interesting article i was reading on the matter su ject at hand




    • Chief E-7 Chief Freak

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    It isn’t it’s just the media’s poster child for violence in the USA currently. Violent crime is on the rise nationwide.
    If you look at crime statistics Chicago doesn’t even make most lists for dangerous cities on a per capita basis.
    Chicago get’s a lot of attention from the media for a variety of reasons. President Obama has many connections to Chicago so the violence problem is often hailed as a result of his policy. There are also frequent BLM protests in Chicago, again gaining media attention.
    Chicago is touted as an example of why gun control is a failure because it has some of the strictest gun control laws in the US. However these arguments are null as Indiana (a state with very lax gun control laws) is right next door and allows criminals to traffic weapons in with ease.
    As the third largest city in the US next to LA and NY, Chicago is often compared to the much wealthier East and West cost cities. Naturally a city with more low-income areas will have a higher crime rate. The violence here is generally isolated to one of several impoverished neighborhoods.
    People read the headlines and see ‘X murders over weekend’ in Chicago and tend to be taken back. Yes, it’s true the numbers may be higher than most cities but when you account for the overall population of the city the numbers can seem a bit deceiving.
    I am by no means trying to make it seem like this isn’t a problem. It’s a problem in Chicago as well as nationwide and results in so much heartbreak for families and friends. Signs of the times. As the country’s population gets poorer and people are more desperate crime rates will increase accordingly. If you live in a middle class or upper middle class area, as I do, these types of shootings are extremely rare.
    Chicago has two things going for it when it comes to reporting violent crime.
    A large population to select from. Chicago is the 3rd largest city in the US.
    A VERY active and aggressive news corps. It has 2 major newspapers and more than a handful of neighborhood or specialized newspapers, a local 24-hour television station, a local 24-hour radio news station, and news crews for pretty much every local TV and radio station. And they are ALL looking for a scoop. Hardly anything is not reported.
    So if anything and everything is being reported in a city of 3,000,000, then it will appear that all 3,000,000 are up to no good.




    • Chief E-7 Chief Freak

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    [quote name="Swifthandles" post="1327001" timestamp="1495384637"][quote name="Swifthandles" post="1327000" timestamp="1495384474"]It isn’t it’s just the media’s poster child for violence in the USA currently. Violent crime is on the rise nationwide.
    If you look at crime statistics Chicago doesn’t even make most lists for dangerous cities on a per capita basis.
    Chicago get’s a lot of attention from the media for a variety of reasons. President Obama has many connections to Chicago so the violence problem is often hailed as a result of his policy. There are also frequent BLM protests in Chicago, again gaining media attention.
    Chicago is touted as an example of why gun control is a failure because it has some of the strictest gun control laws in the US. However these arguments are null as Indiana (a state with very lax gun control laws) is right next door and allows criminals to traffic weapons in with ease.
    As the third largest city in the US next to LA and NY, Chicago is often compared to the much wealthier East and West cost cities. Naturally a city with more low-income areas will have a higher crime rate. The violence here is generally isolated to one of several impoverished neighborhoods.
    People read the headlines and see ‘X murders over weekend’ in Chicago and tend to be taken back. Yes, it’s true the numbers may be higher than most cities but when you account for the overall population of the city the numbers can seem a bit deceiving.
    I am by no means trying to make it seem like this isn’t a problem. It’s a problem in Chicago as well as nationwide and results in so much heartbreak for families and friends. Signs of the times. As the country’s population gets poorer and people are more desperate crime rates will increase accordingly.
    As someone who has lived in Chicago her whole life, I can tell you, it’s not. The violent shootings that you hear about mostly occur in a few poor neighborhoods. If you live in a middle class or upper middle class area, as I do, these types of shootings are extremely rare.
    Chicago has two things going for it when it comes to reporting violent crime.
    A large population to select from. Chicago is the 3rd largest city in the US.
    A VERY active and aggressive news corps. It has 2 major newspapers and more than a handful of neighborhood or specialized newspapers, a local 24-hour television station, a local 24-hour radio news station, and news crews for pretty much every local TV and radio station. And they are ALL looking for a scoop. Hardly anything is not reported.
    So if anything and everything is being reported in a city of 3,000,000, then it will appear that all 3,000,000 are up to no good.[/quote]




    • Chief E-7 Chief Freak

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    • LocationCloud Nine
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    [quote name="Swifthandles" post="1327003" timestamp="1495384775"][quote name="Swifthandles" post="1327001" timestamp="1495384637"][quote name="Swifthandles" post="1327000" timestamp="1495384474"]It isn’t it’s just the media’s poster child for violence in the USA currently. Violent crime is on the rise nationwide.
    If you look at crime statistics Chicago doesn’t even make most lists for dangerous cities on a per capita basis.
    Chicago get’s a lot of attention from the media for a variety of reasons. President Obama has many connections to Chicago so the violence problem is often hailed as a result of his policy. There are also frequent BLM protests in Chicago, again gaining media attention.
    Chicago is touted as an example of why gun control is a failure because it has some of the strictest gun control laws in the US. However these arguments are null as Indiana (a state with very lax gun control laws) is right next door and allows criminals to traffic weapons in with ease.
    As the third largest city in the US next to LA and NY, Chicago is often compared to the much wealthier East and West cost cities. Naturally a city with more low-income areas will have a higher crime rate. The violence here is generally isolated to one of several impoverished neighborhoods.
    People read the headlines and see ‘X murders over weekend’ in Chicago and tend to be taken back. Yes, it’s true the numbers may be higher than most cities but when you account for the overall population of the city the numbers can seem a bit deceiving.
    I am by no means trying to make it seem like this isn’t a problem. It’s a problem in Chicago as well as nationwide and results in so much heartbreak for families and friends. Signs of the times. As the country’s population gets poorer and people are more desperate crime rates will increase accordingly.
    As someone who has lived in Chicago her whole life, I can tell you, it’s not. The violent shootings that you hear about mostly occur in a few poor neighborhoods. If you live in a middle class or upper middle class area, as I do, these types of shootings are extremely rare.
    Chicago has two things going for it when it comes to reporting violent crime.
    A large population to select from. Chicago is the 3rd largest city in the US.
    A VERY active and aggressive news corps. It has 2 major newspapers and more than a handful of neighborhood or specialized newspapers, a local 24-hour television station, a local 24-hour radio news station, and news crews for pretty much every local TV and radio station. And they are ALL looking for a scoop. Hardly anything is not reported.
    So if anything and everything is being reported in a city of 3,000,000, then it will appear that all 3,000,000 are up to no good.[/quote][/quote]

    Interesting article i read on Chi towns statistics

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