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@  Cowboy74 : (10 May 2024 - 04:13 AM)

Atlanta Georgia black bbw

@  SMASHSMASH2000 : (08 May 2024 - 04:13 PM)

Where bigdicc52

@  SMASHSMASH2000 : (08 May 2024 - 04:12 PM)

Where's the mz deepthroat vids

@  ILLA 2.0 : (03 May 2024 - 06:05 AM)

What the word long time

@  PO3 BarberDR : (15 April 2024 - 05:20 AM)

Hope everyone is good!

@  Mrjob : (15 April 2024 - 05:12 AM)

How we do that? Can't even upload vids?

@  bigdickzeke18 : (15 April 2024 - 02:12 AM)

Thanks hostmaster

@  Larrytaylor6462 : (05 April 2024 - 03:14 AM)


@  CWO3 pac33238 : (04 April 2024 - 11:33 PM)


@  hostmaster : (20 March 2024 - 09:15 AM)

@bigdickzeke18 https://support.ccbill.com/member.cgi

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@  bigdickzeke18 : (15 March 2024 - 03:02 AM)

How do I cancel my premium sub?

@    Rear Admiral NSk8r : (06 March 2024 - 02:55 AM)

Let's get this back on track.

@    Rear Admiral NSk8r : (06 March 2024 - 01:34 AM)

Hope Everyone is well

@  Battle0fny : (23 February 2024 - 05:56 PM)


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@  Johnmanns : (01 February 2024 - 07:09 AM)


@  scorpio1029 : (21 January 2024 - 02:15 PM)

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Pulling Cards: Jehovah's Witnesses

- - - - - #Keepit100 #Realshit #Religion #Culture #Crime

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  • Cdr. O-5 Commander
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    If these CULT motherfuckers come to my house one more time leaving pamphlets in my door, I'm going to cite my local Kingdom Hall with LITTERING.


    We have the 'NO SOLICITING' and 'NO TRESPASSING' signs up, so instead of asking for membership or knocking, they just slide a damn pamphlet between the crack of the door and drive off.


    We told these motherfuckers WE AIN'T WITH THAT SHIT; we even have relatives in that shit and we've told them time and time again we're not with that shit.


    ....yet they keep coming.


    And don't let one of these van-driving motherfuckers catch you doing something in your yard, then they aim to oblige you with senseless, trivial questions; one dude asked me 'How do you get rid of sin?' and I answered, 'GET RID OF YOUR SINFUL ASS' with a hand in my pocket. He bounced and I never saw that guy again.


    How do you get rid of these dudes?!

    Is there a 'Do Not Fuck With' list I can get on?

    Edited by bigdaddynumbah1, 21 June 2014 - 01:19 AM.




    • Chief E-7 Chief Freak
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    Shoot em..real talk. This is America god damn it. bare arms and take car of it like a man would. Alternative is to pray them them away..amen lol




    • PO3 E-4 3rd Class Freak
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    Wow don't like them coming and trying to convert me




    • PO1 E-6 1st Class Freak
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    I got them to leave me alone by literally challenging everything they tried to preach. Took about 30 mins but the motherfucker gave up. Said he was gonna pray for my sole. haven't seen one since and i live 5 mins from a hall. I think I made the do not fuck with list




    • Cdr. O-5 Commander
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    Shoot em..real talk. This is America god damn it. bare arms and take car of it like a man would. Alternative is to pray them them away..amen lol



    I'm not bloodying my pavement with the remained stains of an entitled motherfucker who thinks what they're doing is a 'righteous deed'. LOL.


    If I did that shit, there'll be protests and candlelight vigils in my front yard while I sit in jail. MORE of them at my place and I can't do anything about it.


    Hell, that's worse than where I am, LOL.


    ...but one could dream, right?




    • Cdr. O-5 Commander
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    Wow don't like them coming and trying to convert me


    It'd be different if they were actually trying to convert someone into religion, but they want you with THEIR specified dogma.


    We've told these dimwitted motherfuckers we're Non-Denominational Christian; we don't even attend CHURCH. These dudes come with foreign pamphlets (Watch Tower), and every page in it is 'See, you're not perfect; this is why you need us. We'll see you at Kindgom Hall'. It's RELIGIOUS CULT PROPAGANDA...not even religious text! What the hell are they trying to convert others to?




    • Cdr. O-5 Commander
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    I got them to leave me alone by literally challenging everything they tried to preach. Took about 30 mins but the motherfucker gave up. Said he was gonna pray for my sole. haven't seen one since and i live 5 mins from a hall. I think I made the do not fuck with list


    The aforementioned guy in the original post never came back and he was a relative (a nephew of my deceased stepfather). Instead this cowardly ass bastard just sent his homies, rolling deep in a white Caravan full of old bitches (I assume). And it seems that they've been given the instruction to 'don't knock;  just slide a pamphlet in the door and run like you're playing Ding Dong Door Ditch or something'.


    Now these motherfuckers are just LITTERING out of spite.

    Jason Rockwell

    Jason Rockwell


    • Chief E-7 Chief Freak
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    I used to almost feel the same way with them always knocking on my door and disturbing me. But as I'm getting older, these folk are just trying to spead the "good news" like outreach ministries do. No harm in that. Does more good than bad in my opinion.




    • Cdr. O-5 Commander
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    I used to almost feel the same way with them always knocking on my door and disturbing me. But as I'm getting older, these folk are just trying to spead the "good news" like outreach ministries do. No harm in that. Does more good than bad in my opinion.


    I get your point, but this is where I disagree:


    The Bible has been around for ages, what more 'good news' could a JW give me?

    Their brand and flavor?

    ...I'll pass.


    Nowadays, information is all around you. If anyone were interested in 'good news', they could easily look it up on the internet and have it given to them in multiple translations.


    What THESE bastards are doing is harassment; they talk at people, not with them (because if conversation is what they came over for, they wouldn't SHUT UP and drive off when they find a person who's as versed in the Bible as they are and refuse to be swayed to and fro). They come to your house peddling 'spiritual wealth' so you can go to their church and give up your material wealth. FOUL.


    What THESE bastards are doing is LITTERING; they come to your property unannounced and uninvited and when you don't answer they leave paper in the door. It's arrogance, really; It's like they're saying 'WE WILL HAVE OUR EXPRESSION FELT WHETHER YOU WILL US TO OR NOT'. Anytime you use God's word to burden anyone, it's WRONG. FOUL.


    These bastards harass you and put trash on your property under the guise of 'good news' and people allow it because they believe it's deeply rooted in 'good intent'; if these bastards had good intentions, why do they set up Halls in the ghetto and never contribute anything back to them? They're taking people's paychecks and aren't investing it in ANYTHING to create jobs, better living quarters, NOTHING. They're bloodsucking leeches and in my town, they ONLY care about their own. CULT. FOUL.




    • PO1 E-6. 1st Class Freak
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    You made some excellent points bigdaddynumba1. Back in the day I thought about going to the local Kingdom Hall only because, a fine ass chick went there with her fam (parents.) Thankfully, I came to my senses and never thought about going since. When JW would come around my neighborhood handing out pamphlets and putting them in peoples doors I'd wait for em to come up to my door and I'd hit their asses with a barrage of questions and I'd dare one of em to try and skip one cause, I wasn't gonna let em. You wanna play, let's play. lmao




    • Cdr. O-5 Commander
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    You made some excellent points bigdaddynumba1. Back in the day I thought about going to the local Kingdom Hall only because, a fine ass chick went there with her fam (parents.) Thankfully, I came to my senses and never thought about going since. When JW would come around my neighborhood handing out pamphlets and putting them in peoples doors I'd wait for em to come up to my door and I'd hit their asses with a barrage of questions and I'd dare one of em to try and skip one cause, I wasn't gonna let em. You wanna play, let's play. lmao


    Thank you, sanjohnjuan


    Did throwing them a barrage of questions work? As I stated before, I killed one of these hounds by answering one question, and that clown just sicked his homies on us and told them not to knock. Did they eventually stop bothering you?



      NAVSUP - CSC

    • Master Chief E-9 Master Freak (Chief)

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    ok you ASSHOLES..time for me to go in....

    I see a lot of disrespect in this thread...all these people are tryin to do is share their message with you..granted some can be a little pushy....lol..but these people work regular 40hrs a week jobs and have all the responsiblities that we all have too. would you get up on your SAT. /day off to share your beliefs with others...(Noo...you'd be on your PC like me looking at HGF). do the JW ask you to pay 10 percent of your pay to give to the"CHURCH'..does your "CHURCH" have to hire and PAY your Pastor...is your "CHURCH" changing it's stance on GAYS..or having openly GAY Pastors/Priest ect....

    you never know that simple 5min talk at someones door just might stop them from doing something drastic or hurtful in their life or something. At least they are not as bad as the currupt BLACK CHURCHES/CATHOLIC CHURCHES and others(i'm catholic by the way).do you even have the BALLS to tell/share your own personal beliefs with others if you think it has helped you and could help someone else...

    I might not agree on their beliefs but i can respect what they try to do.....

    just saying....




    • Cdr. O-5 Commander
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    ok you ASSHOLES..time for me to go in....

    I see a lot of disrespect in this thread...all these people are tryin to do is share their message with you..granted some can be a little pushy....lol..but these people work regular 40hrs a week jobs and have all the responsiblities that we all have too. would you get up on your SAT. /day off to share your beliefs with others...(Noo...you'd be on your PC like me looking at HGF). do the JW ask you to pay 10 percent of your pay to give to the"CHURCH'..does your "CHURCH" have to hire and PAY your Pastor...is your "CHURCH" changing it's stance on GAYS..or having openly GAY Pastors/Priest ect....

    you never know that simple 5min talk at someones door just might stop them from doing something drastic or hurtful in their life or something. At least they are not as bad as the currupt BLACK CHURCHES/CATHOLIC CHURCHES and others(i'm catholic by the way).do you even have the BALLS to tell/share your own personal beliefs with others if you think it has helped you and could help someone else...

    I might not agree on their beliefs but i can respect what they try to do.....

    just saying....



    I'm not going to engage your emotionalism; save that for Kingdom Hall, lol.


    But I will address some of your points.


    They work 40hr/wk jobs and have lives too? Sure, I'm not dehumanizing them; they're people and I just wish they were considerate of the other people AROUND THEM. They put human decency and rights on hold at their own detriment; they could be resting on Saturday, but instead they're recruiting and being nuisances in the neighborhood on people's DAY OFF. NAME ONE PERSON WHO DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES? By now, the only thing they should be doing is shining their beacon and letting the curious come to them and seek the 'good news'. Your news isn't that 'good' if you have to keep peddling it like it's a damn hustle.


    Think about it; who else comes to your door unannounced?

    1. Insurance Salesmen - swindlers.

    2. Imposing Family/Friends - trifling, but not evil.

    3. Police - the devil.

    4. Jehovah's Witnesses - ???


    I've come to the conclusion that if I don't invite you, you're not coming with good intent.


    Do I have the balls to share my beliefs with others in my spare time? I did it a porn board, lol. Question answered; you don't get to declassify beliefs because *YOU* deem them to be disrespectful.


    Do Jehovah's Witnesses ask for a tithe? No, they call it an offering. Big difference? No. It's a money-ran organization; it wouldn't make sense to ask for a tithe AND have you drive around the city on Saturday, lol.


    Does my 'church' have openly-gay pastors, etc? No, because I don't belong to any manmade money organization that brainwashes compliance out of impressionable fools who believe attending the pastor's little kingdom and listen to one man showboat for an hour is entering 'God's House' and doing 'God's Bidding'. The only reason I lambaste JW is because they bring their foolishness to my HOUSE.


    I don't condone any of the bloodsuckers, I show no partiality; if you came to my door peddling athiesm, you'd get your card pulled just the same as if you were JW. It doesn't matter to me  whether they only meet up every other Sunday or they're sin-conscious and have to confess their sins to MAN in a closet to free their guilt; I don't care for any of it. Just keep your bullshit away from me.




    • PO1 E-6 1st Class Freak
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    There is  simple solution to you problem. 1. Don't answer your door.  2. Any time they leave one of these booklets thrown it away.




    • Cdr. O-5 Commander
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    There is  simple solution to you problem. 1. Don't answer your door.  2. Any time they leave one of these booklets thrown it away.


    Your solutions don't get results.

    1. 'Don't answer your door' = get held up in your own house to avoid a confrontation that shouldn't even be taking place.

    2. 'Throw away whatever trash they leave behind'. That's really docile.


    Those ideas have NEVER worked.


    It's time for more drastic, unconventional measures.



      NAVSUP - CSC

    • Master Chief E-9 Master Freak (Chief)

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    Your solutions don't get results.

    1. 'Don't answer your door' = get held up in your own house to avoid a confrontation that shouldn't even be taking place.

    2. 'Throw away whatever trash they leave behind'. That's really docile.


    Those ideas have NEVER worked.


    It's time for more drastic, unconventional measures.

    sounds like you got a real axe to grind....i don't hear you complaining that much about their message but more about the fact that they are bringing to you....instead of sounding soo immature why don't you just respectfully tell them not to stop at your house and ask them to make a note of that request in the records that they keep....you sound more like a problem than they are(or so you say).....

    just saying...




    • PO1 E-6 1st Class Freak
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    For 1 if u dont know nothing about the bible an just tired of them coming to ur door just tell them to leave. If im not interested i kindly walk away or close ur door but to talk shit i dont know about shows how stupid u r get a rewl blog an talk shit who does religion on hgf...smh...i know about that religion an its past it started as a non dominination church and when they preached the truth about xmas easter trinity hell an pardise the higher ups were put in jail on false charges that were later dropped an they were released. Homeboy said he got questions for them answer this how are u going to. Heaven why do u pray...our father in the heaven let ur name be santified an let ur kingdom come on earth like it is in heaven? Jesus said that an resurrected good ppl to earth. Lazarus....why take him from heaven? Hell will be thrown into the lake of fire? Why? Jesus in firstborn of all creation created by God only begotten mean only fathered he has no mother or help with his creation all things are thru jesus except when he was created. Google the verse. Trinity doctrine says that but jw dont believe in doctrines they have none i already checked therowly




    • PO1 E-6 1st Class Freak
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    Jesus said to make deciples of yourselves go where the ppl are fuck what you sayingw




    • Cdr. O-5 Commander
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    sounds like you got a real axe to grind....i don't hear you complaining that much about their message but more about the fact that they are bringing to you....instead of sounding soo immature why don't you just respectfully tell them not to stop at your house and ask them to make a note of that request in the records that they keep....you sound more like a problem than they are(or so you say).....

    just saying...


    My berating of their message was listed prior. (ie. using God's words as a hustle and it's a cult).

    And if your suggestion actually WORKED, I wouldn't have made a trend about it.

    How about this...

    ...instead of trivializing something you're apathetic about, learn to read all the comments before yours before making such redundant statements; I literally said in another comment 'now they creep up in my yard and slide a pamphlet in the door without knocking'. Translate that for yourself, because to me, it sounds like they know good and damn well I don't want them here but they insist on making their expression felt anyway.




    • Cdr. O-5 Commander
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    For 1 if u dont know nothing about the bible an just tired of them coming to ur door just tell them to leave. If im not interested i kindly walk away or close ur door but to talk shit i dont know about shows how stupid u r get a rewl blog an talk shit who does religion on hgf...smh...i know about that religion an its past it started as a non dominination church and when they preached the truth about xmas easter trinity hell an pardise the higher ups were put in jail on false charges that were later dropped an they were released. Homeboy said he got questions for them answer this how are u going to. Heaven why do u pray...our father in the heaven let ur name be santified an let ur kingdom come on earth like it is in heaven? Jesus said that an resurrected good ppl to earth. Lazarus....why take him from heaven? Hell will be thrown into the lake of fire? Why? Jesus in firstborn of all creation created by God only begotten mean only fathered he has no mother or help with his creation all things are thru jesus except when he was created. Google the verse. Trinity doctrine says that but jw dont believe in doctrines they have none i already checked therowly



    Who does religion on a porn blog? The same porn blog that made a hashtag for it, lol.


    Any question one could have about the Bible is answered within itself; it doesn't take a new specialized religion to hone READING COMPREHENSION. I don't believe in 'Trinity doctrine' or cult doctrine; any religious sect you pick deviates from the Bible's true intent, divides the body of Christ, and adds a dollar amount to salvation.


    The WatchTower states that proven disciples of JW have Christ as their mediator; everyone else has to go through them to get to God. If you're cool with that, if you're cool with an organization deeming their top believers as 'Christ replacements' and allowing some Earthly mortal to be the mediator between yourself and a spiritual connection with Christ, have at it, but I'm pretty sure the Bible says that God is no respector of persons and the only mediator is Christ. But if you want to make previsions for such cult-talk, be my guest; just keep the shit off my porch.




    • Cdr. O-5 Commander
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    Jesus said to make deciples of yourselves go where the ppl are fuck what you sayingw


    Go where the people are...

    The people are at the club on Saturday night; ever seen a JW there?

    The people are at the bar throughout the week; ever seen a JW there?

    I've NEVER seen a JW giving out food at a food bank.

    I've NEVER heard of a JW visiting the infirmed.

    I've NEVER seen a Kingdom Hall ENHANCE the quality of life to people who live around it.

    In my town, you'll only see them huddled together with other JWs who are in goodstanding with the rest of the congregation.

    In my town, as soon as they get positions where they can hire people, they only hire their own.


    The same people who're on my porch, peddling a free gift from God (life) are no where to be seen when they're NEEDED; when a little 'good news' can help somebody.


    You know, just because a person is at home when JW does their route, it doesn't mean they're any less saved; just because their ideologies doesn't bode with the Watch Tower, it doesn't mean they need to be recruited or harassed.


    Fuck what YOU'RE saying.




    • PO3 E-4 3rd Class Freak
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    Jehovah's witnesses don't like catholics, so just tell them that you're catholic. They will never return, no need to catch a body lol.




    • PO1 E-6 1st Class Freak
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    Then u dont know how they were there for katrina. Africa and all over the world plus those are private places its illegal to go to a club an tur it to a bible study hall. Any smart questions out there




    • Cdr. O-5 Commander

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    Regardless of religion preference to find the prowess and strength to reach out is not sonething everyone can do although the word tells us we should. I've had my peeves with some individuals but to attack an entire religious sect over a few people well. I think yes go to the Kingdom Hall explain your concerns I'm sure they will stop. I think each of us have a different level of spiritual presence some of us are aware while others not so much. It corked be there's a purpose for you yet determined or revealed. That person may be drawn to the energy. But yes I would say if not talk to them and ask them to respect ur decision talk to their leader.




    • E-2 Apprentice
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    How i usually deal with i just sometimes open the door naked one old lady drop her books i was gonna put her Hip outta place if she came closer to my door , But then again there are nicer ways to deal with things 

    Are you bothered by evangelizing JWs who keep coming to your door? Here's a peaceful and non-hostile way to get your address on their not knock list, and never be bothered by them again. Telling them that you're a Christian already, or a Mormon, a Jew, or even a Satanist doesn't work. They get fired up with the holy zeal of conversion.
    Simply say, "I was a Jehovah's Witness myself; in fact, I was a Special Pioneer before I was disfellowshipped." Say that to a JW and they'll never come back.




    • E-2 Apprentice
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    Used to have the same problem out in Seattle. Told one of  them that Jesus was black but that didn't work as he brought back up the next day. Then I picked up a rescue German Shepard mix some months later. Bitches stopped coming into the yard period after that son. 




    • PO1 E-6 1st Class Freak
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    JW give food all over the world why don't you look it up. All over Africa every country done lots in this country. Google it




    • Cdr. O-5 Commander
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    JW give food all over the world why don't you look it up. All over Africa every country done lots in this country. Google it



    You actually think that's doing them a favor?

    Africans had PLENTY of food prior to colonization, but whites, using the vehicle of religion, came in, captured them, pitted them against each other, told them to turn the other cheek while they began RATIONING off their own food until the colonizers used synthetic seeds that DESTROYED the fertile ground left.

    And now you have: "Come to our meeting and we'll give you bread'; whites taking poor Africans and using their religion to BRIBE compliance and membership.

    Please, take that coon rhetoric elsewhere.


    Jehovah's witnesses don't like catholics, so just tell them that you're catholic. They will never return, no need to catch a body lol.


    If only that were feasible...there's no catholic churches down here, lol.

    I won't catch a body, I'm straight. It looks as though some of the fellas here traced my IP address and contacted the local Kingdom Hall because I haven't seen the bastards since writing this.



    Regardless of religion preference to find the prowess and strength to reach out is not sonething everyone can do although the word tells us we should. I've had my peeves with some individuals but to attack an entire religious sect over a few people well. I think yes go to the Kingdom Hall explain your concerns I'm sure they will stop. I think each of us have a different level of spiritual presence some of us are aware while others not so much. It corked be there's a purpose for you yet determined or revealed. That person may be drawn to the energy. But yes I would say if not talk to them and ask them to respect ur decision talk to their leader.


    I won't delve into the passivity of your response, or the 'religion hater' bin you're tried to put me into. I don't hate Jehovah's Witnesses, they are free to do whatever their little cult hearts desire...just away from me, and other people who have signs on their doors that CLEARLY say 'no soliciting'; with me, it's an issue of reading comprehension and a failure to follow instructions given by LAND OWNERS. Regardless of whatever enthusiastic zeal a person may have about their good news...as a landowner I have the right to decide who or what element is allowed to come to my door. I don't care if the sign said 'no soliciting' or 'no owners of cats' or 'no men wearing pink'; my land, my taxes, and if it's not an emergency, -my rules-.


    ps. The Word also says that a member of the flock should also be a light-bearer; a beacon that lead others to God. Matthew 5:16. But what JW is doing is in direct violation of “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.” – Philippians 2:3.


    "Join my church, my pastor, my congregation, read my WatchTower, come to MY conference and by doing so, ***I*** can get an atta-boy from my fellowship". If you're not a prospective member of their flock, you're persona non grata; they ignore you in the street. My family members who joined disavow ever knowing me, not because I'm a pagan or that I hate God, but because I'm not in THEIR CLUB. They only 'reach' towards people if they don't know where their spirituality stands; if you're any other denomination, you're a leper.



    This started off as a jocular rant against Jehovah's Witnesses (and some of the fellas understood that) and it turned into a analysis. Through this post, I've found out how many people would allow themselves to be DISRESPECTED; I can look at this trend and see how many men would let me slap them in the face if I told them 'God told me to lay hands on you'. Right is right; wrong is wrong. God wants your love, adoration, devotion, and gratitude but He didn't give you grey matter between your ears to be a fucking DRONE. You people put too much of your faith in man; everyone else matters except you. "Christ died on the cross for my sins; the least I can do is engage this JW', but little did you know that price has already BEEN PAID and there's NOTHING you can do to make yourself worthy of that kind of gift.


    Just THINK.

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