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Da1NOnlyMastermind → igotthem1010
Cleanin da computer 2
Bruh, go to the 10 row, 5th column. U see the girl u got wit the green boy shorts on? Where did u get that pic from cuz its hella familiar. And the one in the 11th row, 2nd column is the same female. Fam get back wit me cuz I gotta know!
jus makin sure u get this message.
Jul 23 2010 10:38 PM
Bruh, go to the 10 row, 5th column. U see the girl u got wit the green boy shorts on? Where did u get that pic from cuz its hella familiar. And the one in the 11th row, 2nd column is the same female. Fam get back wit me cuz I gotta know!
jus makin sure u get this message.